Chapter 6: CUPCAKES! And funny Petunia

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I sit there and realise something. If Zinnia can locate anything, it kind of ruined the prank we played on them! Ahh well, now we know for the future. I smile as the door opens and a happy Meli walks in.

"Hey JJ! I still can't believe you're one of us. I can tell you, I knew I couldn't be hurt but I was still scared." Meli exclaims, flinging her arms around me.

"Woah! Outta my bubble! A girl needs personal space ya know!" I laugh, stepping back.

"Bubble?" Meli asks, throwing her arms around in confusion.

"Never mind, Meli! Just something my old friend Alexis used to say." I tell her.

"Oh. Am I one of your friends now?" she questions.

"Friend? No way.." I start, before being rudely interuppted.

"Fine then!" she instantly replies.

"You're not my friend, because you are my best friend." I grin at her and she glares at me, not used to being tricked by someone her age, I guess.

"Ooh! Meli does not look happy. What did you do, Janet?" Petunia exclaims.

We all laugh at this.

"Janet said that I'm her best friend!" Meli boasts.

"WHAT ABOUT ME, HUH! To think I made you two cupcakes..." Petunia tells us.


"Yay, ha I knew it Meli, take that" Petunia starts to do a happy dance.

"Now where did you say those cupcakes were?..." I ask


"I made cupcakes for you all, anyone want some?" Elaine asks, and Petunia attempts to sneak out the door. We almost catch her, but she gets away...with a cupcake.

"Mwahahahahahaha" we heard her yell as she ran up the stairs. Bless her!

Melinda picks one up...but all of a sudden she has two. She hands one to me.

"Melinda, what did I say about not using your powers more than you need to?" Elaine asks.

"I was just testing them, don't want to lose them, ay?" Meli replies smartly.


"Ooh cupcakes!" Gladys exclaims, excitedly grabbing one.

"I'll have three." Zinnia states greedily, causing Elaine to chuckle.

"You may have two at the most, dinners in a hour!" Elaine tells Zinnia.

"So...wheres Darren?" I ask.

"Out. Probably with his girlfriend!" Gladys laughs. Girlfriend? I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I guess I didn't know a lot about these people. My new friends.

"Karim is studying in his room." Zinnia blushes at his name, but I seem to be the only one to notice. Awwwww thats so sweet.

"I'll take a cupcake up for him." I tell everyone, taking another cupcake and running up the stairs while finishing mine. They were good! Almost as good as Toris cupcakes. She wants to have a cupcake/ flower shop kinda thing when shes older. Its gonna be awesome! I don't exactly understand how it's going to work, but never mind, its different and I like it. (A/N Hehe One of my best friends is actually planning on doing this!)

I knock on the door and I hear a sigh. The door opened and revealed Karim.

"Janet?" he questions me.

"Elaine made cupcakes..." I started.

"Cupcakes? Oh no, they're gonna be all gone.." I cut him off.

"Silly! I didn't come up here to tell you, I brought you one."

"Oh thanks!" he said giving me a hug, taking the cupcake and shutting his door behind him in a matter of seconds. I just stood there stunned.

"Usain Bolt, you have competition" I said to no one in particular.

"He's always been like that. I think it may be part of having powers, you know, extra strength, extra fast, stuff like that." I turn around to see that the person I'm talking to is Petunia.

"If you don't mind me asking, whats your power?" I ask her.

"I don't have a power...yet. Not everyone is born with it. Some have to just wait" she looked sad.

"Don't worry, you'll get them soon enough..."

"I do hope so"



Hey! Hows everyone liking it so far? Updates will be random and different lengths. I haven't checked them, but may later. So, what do you think Petunias power will be? Thanks for reading, it means looooaaads!

Dedication to : chocolateforg123 (the friend I mentioned XD)

Eat cupcakes, comment, vote, fan (I fan back), suggest books, whatever I just want to have feedback and people to talk to =D KEEP READING X

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