Chapter 5: Fly

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I ran to the edge and she was still there. Frozen. I turn my head around to look at everyone else. Frozen. Nothing is moving, not even the clouds. I turn back and see that everyone and everything is already moving, just really slowly. Somehow time has slowed down for me. That, or I'm dreaming. I reach for Meli, but she's too far down. I know what I have to do. I jump, and instantly time goes back to normal. I am next to Meli, and pull her into my arms, and I fly. We are back at the roof and Meli smiles at me. Petunia and Meli's kidnapper are sat there, also grinning at me. Whats happening? Meli's kidnapper takes off his mask. It's...Darren? Now this just got even more confusing. I voiced my thoughts.

"What is happening here? Darren just pushed Meli off a building, I SAVED HER LIFE, and you're smiling?" I scream at them.

"Elaine was right...she is one of us." Darren appears to say to Meli.

"I always wanted to fly. No wings though?" Meli asks me.

"Why aren't you shocked? Why aren't you screaming? Why aren't you..." I black out.


I wake up, back at the house, in my bed. Elaine is stood over me.

"Welcome to the family...sorry about what happened back there, its just we had to make sure you were one of us." Elaine tells me.

"One of us?" I ask, still not understanding. Elaine takes a deep breath.

"We call them ESBs. It stands for Extraordinary Super Beings. We all have individual powers. Darren can slow down and even stop time, I think you experienced it earlier. Melinda can duplicate things and explode things. So basically, theres an apple on the table. Melinda cann make there be two apples on the table, or exploded apple on the table. It can be quite dangerous sometimes." she starts, before I interrupt.

"That would explain why there were so many biscuits and sandwiches at our picnic earlier. I certainly didn't remember packing that many!" I exclaim.

"Yes! Now what you're going to hear next will probably confuse the most. Zinnia and Gladys ARE twins. They're also both part faery-part human. They have wings when they want to, but they can only hover, not fly like you can. Because they are twins they can hear each others thoughts. Zinnia's speciality is that she can locate any object. Very handy when you've lost your phone, I'll tell you that! Gladys' is pretty similar, but she can locate people, not objects! So between them, they can find practically anything!" she pauses.

"Wow. Half faery? I didn't think faerys existed. What about Karim?" I question.

"Karim...Karim can see the future. Thats how we found out you could fly, and what we'd have to do. Sometimes, however, he gets things wrong. After all, you can change the future. I also have a power of my own, I can make people forget things. Its most useful, I tell you! Oh, and don't ask about Petunia, you'll find out when its time. Anyway, I've got to pop to the shops. Chat later, Cheerio!" she left before I got the chance to reply...I was wondering what she meant about Petunia. This was a lot to take in all at once. But at least now I know. Theres just one thing Elaine didn't seem to know about me...I can do a lot more than just fly...

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