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THE PAIR SAT IN THE LONG GRASS AND SUNFLOWERS, THE GREEN AND YELLOW PLANTS SCRATCHING AT WINNIE'S BARE LEGS AS SHE PICKED AT A SUNFLOWER (THAT WYATT HAD PLUCKED FOR HER) IN HER HAND. She sighed sadly and from the noise Wyatt knew what was coming next and the sadness deflated him too, weighing heavily on his shoulders. They both avoided each other's eyes, staring at the fresh colourful ground beneath them. The teenagers were specks in the world, minuscule, yet they felt as if this moment was dooming and impacting. As if this was a major event that was more important than any other, as if the world was coming to an end, when really they were only going back home.

"I don't want to leave" Winnie mumbled quietly, bowing her head to hide the severity of the feeling shining from her face. She had moved on from plucking the sunflower and to fidgeting with her hands; pulling skin back from her cuticles. 

"I don't want you to leave either" Wyatt sighed, a large frown playing on his lips as he pulled a blade of grass harshly from beside him, before flicking it back down, discarding it to submerge in the green of the others. 

They didn't know what else to say so instead they just sat quietly, not wanting to move from their new special area and back into the real world, where Winnie would be flying back home in a couple of hours. They huffed and sighed, as they continued to pull at the grass beneath them. It had started to get cold and Winnie was beginning to shiver, the thin white material of her dress definitely not enough to keep her warm, as her legs and arms were exposed. Without even a second thought she nonchalantly scooted closer to Wyatt, her legs imprinted from the prickling of the turf beneath, so their arms brushed slightly. His breathing began to quicken and body stiffened as he was unsure what to do, why was he feeling so boiling hot all of a sudden when it was actually chilly; like his skin was cooking? Why was his mouth dry and stomach knotted? Why was he so speechless and blinking rapidly? Why did he have the sudden urge to wrap his arm around her shoulders, and pull her in closer, and shield her from the cold, and the world, and everything? 

Before he could process or answer any of the questions rattling around his brain, all fighting to be the most prominent, she leaned her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent that made her feel safe, comfortable and happy. If his mind was busy before it was now a million trillion times worse. But the only thing that he was certain about; that had battled its way to the front of all the thoughts roaming in his head, was that he loved this girl. He was in love with his honey bear.

And she was in love with him.

Maybe now was the best time to say it. Maybe Sophia was right. Winnie's mouth parted and her cheeks flushed slightly at what was going to come out of her mouth. Weighted words that she couldn't take back. When Wyatt quickly and awkwardly clambered up, accidently elbowing her in the chest before mumbling a shocked sorry with wide eyes and fumbling hands. He extending his shaking hand for her to take, so she could stand up too in the rows upon rows of proud flowers.

"We should get going if we want to meet our reservations. And the others." He grumbled, avoiding eye contact completely with a wavering tone that would usually worry Winnie; but she was too busy in her own head, feeling the exact same as he was, to even notice.

The moment was gone, and Winnie's sudden rush of confidence was nowhere to be found.

NOODLE BOY AND HONEY BEAR ( WYATT OLEFF ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now