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WYATT'S HANDS WERE SLICK WITH SWEAT AND SHAKY AS HE RAN THEM THROUGH HIS BROWN NOODLES NERVOUSLY. He was surrounded by millions of people, parents and happy children or groups of laughing friends, ranging from all ages. It would be impossible to find her. But he was certain that as soon as his eyes landed on her, she'd stick out like a jewel in the stones.

The scent of candy floss and popcorn filled his nose as he darted around jolty. She tweeted about being on the tea cups with her younger sister only a minute ago. He looked down at the opened social media in his hand just to check. It had now changed to two minutes. He sped up his pace as he walked in the direction the map had directed him. His nerves had increased and now all he could think about was how this was all a mistake, how he had been stupid and he'd never find her; even if he did, he didn't know how this whole thing would turn out.

As he let out a heavy sigh, his body deflating and his arms sagging to his sides, the phone now loose in his grip; he was ready to admit defeat. When the slowing spin of colourful, large teacups met his eyes. The life and warm feeling seeped back into his body and a bright smile marked his face. He jogged to the ride as the people began to stumble to the open exit gate. To others it would be difficult to pick out the blonde teenager from the happy faces who climbed out the oversized china but to Wyatt she was the first thing he saw. Her hair gently fell down over shoulders and you could even tell from this distance it had been freshly washed, on top perched the infamous 'Minnie Mouse' ears, the band separating the blonde strands. She wore a matching bright red crop top and trousers, a casual makeup look on her face and she smiled down at the dark, curly crown of the girl in front of her. Winnie's tender hand was softly on the back of her young sister who stood in front, guiding her to the opening for them to exit. Beside the white gate stood two women, their hands linking them together. The taller one was blonde and looked identical to Winnie, the other had dark brown hair pulled into a braid and tanned Spanish skin. Usha ran into the brunette's arms who span her around, the other woman giggling watching her family with pure adoration in her brown eyes. Winnie said something to her mother, them both chuckling as she interlocked her arm with hers before they all started to walk away.

Wyatt panicked, unsure what to do, what would he say to her? It was too late now, he'd finally found her and his mouth was dry with a lack of speech. But he had to do something before she disappeared into the crowd again. Before he knew it he shakily shouted her name.

He was slightly scared she wouldn't hear him.

But she did. Clearly.

She slid her arm free from her mother's and turned around, confusion pulling at her brows and face. Once her soft eyes found the boy who stood alone, the crowds far from him, passing by unaware of how important this interaction was. Her expression changed through many quickly, starting with a gaping mouth of shock to confusion again before residing for the largest, prettiest grin he'd even seen.

He ran into her outstretched warm arms as tears threatened to escape them both.

NOODLE BOY AND HONEY BEAR ( WYATT OLEFF ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now