I would like to dedicate this chapter to my first wattpad fan! Thanks for the loving support #Taylornoelle_
In an hours time I was making my way back to the Higher Education Center. Class had gone smoothly and I am pretty sure I reviewed all the information needed. We talked about the fall of the Pre-Creation world. Starting with the fall of The United States of America.
The United States had fallen around 2075 , after a 4 year long civil war .Just short of their 300 year anniversary as a country. There had not been conflict within its borders since the first civil war in 1865. For nearly 20 years the United states fought conflict after conflict within their own borders. From civil liberties to the redesign of their government. Their once perfect constitution was stripped and reworded. The symbol for perfect democracy changing with every year till it was officially a Autocracy.Families and friends split in two. Women lost rights they had only acquired 100 years prior. Families who had lived and worked were thrown from its safe borders back to the countries their fathers had come from. The borders were closed and no one could come but most importantly no one could leave.
The war affect more than just the United States. As their country fought amongst itself the world's economy crashed. Third world countries were wiped from the map. Without the United States leading scientist, the World Health Organization fell under attack with a new strain of deadly plague. By 2085 the world's population had depleted to roughly 2 billion. Countries like Canada and Mexico were directly affected by the United State's civil war.
Borders were eliminated and the three countries simply annihilated.
After the dust settled, and the wars had been fought all three countries had suffered great loss. Between the three countries there use to be a population of nearly 450 million, now there was less than 20 million. Poverty, disease and destruction was all that remained of North America.
It was the combination of 10 like minded individuals , 5 women and 5 men, from all three countries that devised a plan to reconstruct as one. America was created , and the design of the PODs began.
Each POD was created on what use to be a populated city. Cities like Buffalo, Chicago, Toronto, and Mexico city. Where I am from, POD 14 was once known as Buffalo as was located in the state of New York, in the United States. The previous cities were leveled, and new ones constructed. The design was simple. The city would be the epi center of each POD, than spread out in equal distance would be rings, much like a suburb. The EPI center would be the Capital of each RING. The RINGs would house individuals whose skill sets and intelligence were equal with their peers. For this task, The Test was created. It was used to place the citizens accordingly, the brightest and most unique were housed in the Capital. RING 1 was a step down, but still the citizens here are above the norm. RING 2 was your equivalent to a middle class society, and RING, 3 its lower class. All RINGs were design to accommodate its citizens based on their rankings within society. Those who resided in RING 1 had more than those who reside in RING 2 or 3. There is one more RING, RING 4 is the final ring and is left only for the delinquents and misfits of society. When our founding Fathers and Mothers designed the PODs they designed them without prisons. Instead they devised a plan to banish those who did not fit in, or who could not follow the rules. If you broke any of the rules, you were placed in RING 4 , and unless you were under the age of 30 , RING 4 is where you would stay. Those lucky enough to be under 30 could still take The Test each year in hopes of moving out of the "wasteland" as RING 4 would commonly be named from there on out. To keep the RINGs from mingling ,30 story walls made of black steel were erected. They separated each RING from the other, leaving only small windows carved into the wall to allow passerbys a glimpse into their future.
The Oasis
Science FictionPLEASE NOTE! ~ This book ( on WattPad) is in it's roughest draft. There will be spelling errors and grammar issues and there may be plot issues. I want to see what the general interest is. I am finishing this story up soon but this form will remain...