I woke with a violent gasp of air. The sharp jerk I made as I woke was accompanied by a stabbing pain that creeped from the base of my skull to my temples. I squeezed my head between my hands and looked around. I was greeted with nothing but darkness.
Where am I?
"Sulu illuminate!" I command him, as I slowly moved to a sitting position.
As the lights gradually turned on, I noticed that I was in my bedroom.
How did I get here?
Oh thank god it was all a just a dream.
The events of what I thought were last night must have only been my imagination. Felix was okay, his family was still here in RING 2, and all was well in the world.
But as lazily swung my legs to the the edge of the bed, making haste not to move my head, a rustling noise caught my attention. I look down at my lap and there I saw it. The grey dress my Mother had lent me for the dance. I was still wearing it.
My heart dropped, and my toes tingled as fear trickled its way up my legs to my stomach. A wave a nausea cursed through my insides.
It was real! It actually happened. They took Felix. They ripped him from my arms. They are wrong. I have to stop them, I have to help them understand they have the wrong man.
As the anger built inside of me, my head began to swim. I place my feet on the floor and settle my pounding head into my hands, pulling it down between my knees, I breathe deep. I will my stomach not to throw it's contents onto my bedroom floor.
"Sulu, Time please?"
"The Time is 02:00. It is advised that you stay in bed. You're condition is still marked as bed rest only. May I suggest sending a message to one of your parents to help you?"
"No, that will not be necessary, I can do this on my own."
"I must record that you are going against medical advice."
"Okay record away then!" My voice strained, and filled with anger. They will not keep me here, helpless, and in bed.
I take my time as I slowly stand at the edge of my bed. I take a step forward and immediately I'm met with a searing pain radiating from my rib cage. The pain rips through me in a fiery rage, causing me to scream out in pain, and ultimately collapsing to the floor.
I clasp my hand against my right side and quickly remove it. I grab at the side of my bed and carefully lift myself to a semi standing position. I stagger over to the mirror on the opposite side of my room. At one point I decide that I need to get the dress off. I straighten myself up, biting my lip against the pain, my head lightens and I grab at the end of the bed to keep myself from passing out. Using only one hand I reach with all my might and manage to get part of the dress unzipped. It is enough to squeeze it past my hips and down to the floor.
I look up , I will have to take a few unsupported steps to get to the mirror. I won't have the bed for support anymore. I take a few deep breaths and adjust my weight to keep from straining my right side anymore than I have to. As I move my right leg forward, I sway slightly. I wince at the pain but it is a little more manageable this time. After a few strained steps I stand look into the mirror in front of me. I turn slightly to the left. There across my lower rib cage from front to back is a blossoming black and blue bruise. Two small holes placed evenly apart in the middle of the bruise are raised and angry looking. I touch them lightly, but pull back the minute my fingers touch the skin. The holes are hot and sensitive to even the lightest touch

The Oasis
Science FictionPLEASE NOTE! ~ This book ( on WattPad) is in it's roughest draft. There will be spelling errors and grammar issues and there may be plot issues. I want to see what the general interest is. I am finishing this story up soon but this form will remain...