Chapter 1

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Original chapter name I know, this is gonna be a boring really short introductory chapter k bye

Philip's POV

I grunt as I slam my hand down onto my alarm clock, as that deafening noise, that I knew so well, woke me up. I slowly make my way out of my room, stumbling down to grab breakfast, before stumbling back up the stairs with a cereal bar in one of my hands.
I check the time on my phone 7:33, 20 minutes to get ready, great start to the school year good job me, I think to myself, picking out whatever clothes seemed cleanest from my "throw all my clothes onto it I'll sort them out later" chair. I decided that my adidas leggings and khaki cropped hoodie would do, as I slipped them over my binder. I tied my hair up in a messy bun, having not yet managed to convince my father to let me cut it short. I sighed glancing down at my women's clothes, I had saved up for ages to buy a binder, I definitely could not afford to buy my own clothes, so that left me with these. I had nothing against women's clothes, in fact I rather liked them, they just didn't help my attempts to pass as a boy, and my parents wouldn't buy me men's clothes, as I haven't even told them that I was trans, I usually just put on a big coat as I left the house to cover up the fact that my boobs weren't there. People always ask me why I haven't come out to them yet, but they don't understand how terrifying the thought of possibly being resented or kicked out is.
I quickly grab my school bag, shouting goodbye to my parents as I rush out the house, I wince as my binder digs into my ribs as I walk, knowing that it was worth the pain, if I wore it any looser my chest would still show slightly.
I grimace as I walk into school, but quickly brighten up as I see Georges and Richard smiling at me.
"Hey Pip! Long time no see!" Richard exclaims, hugging him.
"Philip why are you wearing a huge coat it's, how you say, boiling outside" Georges laughs and pats him on the back.
"Parents...binder...secret" I pant, out of breath from running the last couple of blocs, to make sure I wasn't late on the first day.
"Oh of course I forgot-" Georges starts, before getting cut off by a voice I know all too well.
"Well well well if it isn't the one and only Phillipa Hamilton, how are you Pippa? Still mentally ill?" George Eacker sneers, his so called friends behind him, sniggering.
"Fuck off Eacker!"I shout, crossing my arms and glaring at him.
"You know honey, if you weren't a girl then I would beat you bloody" He smirks as he moves closer to me.
"Well it's your lucky day! Because I'm a fucking boy! Beat me up all you want Eacker, be my guest" I spit, looking up at him warily as he gets closer and closer to me.
"You'll wish you didn't say that babe." he hisses "But I'll still go easy on you" he smirks as I feel a hand collide with my cheek, pain searing through my face. Georges and Richard gape as Eacker strides away, and I stumble back, hitting my back on the lockers, sliding down as I cup my cheek in my hand.
They rush towards me and help me up, both of them on either side of me, I smile gratefully as I push them away, not wanting to show that I was in pain "I'm fine guys don't worry" I force a laugh.
The thing that made Eacker's bullying so much worse was the fact that he is my former best friend, the person I trusted the most until freshman year of highschool. During the summer before highschool I had finally worked out what I was, I was transgender, and I was so happy, at last feeling like I could fit in. I had decided that I would tell George first, my best friend, the person I could tell anything to and would love me either way. But of course, it didn't work out like I had hoped, I told him and he was disgusted, I still remember the exact phrase he said to me, it was "Phillipa, that's disgusting! You're a freak! I can't believe I was ever friends with such an abomination. You should do everyone a favour and kill yourself." and when he had finished, he walked off, telling me to never contact him again. And that had made me too terrified to tell anyone else. Luckily Eacker didn't go to the same highschool as me, that was until last year. He saw me and laughed, calling me a freak and revealing that I was transgender to everyone. Thankfully, Richard and Georges were so supportive, but still, after that day nothing was ever the same, so many people hated me and insulted me. And that's when I started cutting properly, I had done it for awhile after what had happened with George, but nothing like that, like this. I'm still dealing with the consequences of Eacker's actions now. My longest time clean since he had moved to our school was two months, hardly an accomplishment, especially since it was during the summer, my favourite Eackerless time of the year.
"Phillip! Phillip! Hello? Earth to Pip?" Richard says, shaking me, I smile at him, I often get lost in my own thoughts.
We hear the bell ring and everyone in the hallway starts begrudgingly shuffling into their designed classrooms. It turns out that first thing on a Monday morning that we're with the old dude, Mr Washington, who apparently taught most of our parents. He was probably about 80 nowadays, and was always very cranky. Everyone just wished he would retire, he would tell everyone in class how much worse they were than their parents, which admittedly could be quite funny if it wasn't directed at you. He starts calling out the seats, Richard next to Elizabeth Church, who was actually aunt Angelica's daughter, Georges next to Frances Laurens, great I though to myself, anyone who I would have wanted to be next to is taken. He reaches the back row of the class and calls out "Phillipa Hamilton" I wince at the name and walk over to my seat "next to George Eacker" he announces. Georges and Richard whip their heads around to look at me, their eyes wide and full of worry, as I stare in shock as Eacker walks towards me and sits down, smirking menacingly.
"What an amazing start to the year." I sigh, muttering under my breath.

Well that was horrible I'm sorry akdjjajaja, hopefully it'll get better oof :,))
Next chapters should be longer than this.

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