Chapter 2

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TW: self harm

Philip's POV

"Take your seats, confer with your men, class will commence after we count to ten... minutes" Mr. Washington announced, everyone looked at each other, confused, before working out what he was saying, he was telling us to "get to know" the person next to us. Everyone knew that Mr. Washington was in the army before teaching, and still held on to some of the vocabulary, therefore was often hard to understand.
"Hey Phillipa" Eacker sniggers "Glad to me next to me in class I see."
"Eacker please don't talk to me." I roll my eyes, turning to face the wall.
"Oh come on Pippa, we were best friends before don't you want to rekindle that relationship baby girl" He purrs, tauntingly.
I turn my head back towards him "I'm not a girl" I hiss, wishing that looks could kill.
"Oh please! Everyone knows you're just pretending to be a boy for attention! Poor Phillipa wants to be special! Well guess what, people only think that you're mentally ill, I don't think that's the kind of attention you were looking for, so, just drop the fucking act, you're only making people hate you." He says, a bit too loudly, everyone had stopped talking when he started yelling.
I feel tears well up in my eyes, as I look around to see a mixture of agreement, shock and laughter on different people's faces.
"Fuck you George Eacker" I whisper, trying not to cry as I grab my bag, rushing out of class, ignoring Mr. Washington telling me I couldn't leave class.
I stumble towards the toilets, tears threatening to fall as they cloud my vision. I look at the different doors 'girls' or 'boys', I start to sob as I open the girls' door, shutting it behind me, not bothering to go into a stall as everyone was in class anyway. I reach into my back pocket, pulling out my pocket knife and flipping it over. I push my sleeve up, my arm already littered with different scars, and start cutting, counting in my head, entranced in what I was doing.
1 for being a failure
2 for being a girl
3 for being an attention seeking whore
4 for being a disappointment
5 for being a pretend boy
6 for being-
I hear a scream and feel the knife being knocked out of my hand. I look up to see a girl with dark skin and curly black hair, a shocked and worried expression on her face.
"Are you okay? What's wrong? Do you need help? Should I call someone? Can I help-" she frets, speaking at twice the speed that a normal human should.
"I-I'm fine, I guess" I fake a small smile, but it admittedly wasn't my best acting.
"Oh yeah and I can fly" she rolls her eyes "Seriously though what- Oh wait you're Philip Hamilton right? The trans guy ?" she asks, and I nod in response "That's dope my dude!" she exclaims "I've always wanted to talk to you! We need more open LGBT students here. I'm Theodosia Burr by the way" she grins.
"N-Nice to meet you" I stutter, slightly overwhelmed.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I just realized that I'm being really inconsiderate I should be worrying about you and your-" she winces, looking down at my cuts "-arm."
"It's fine really, just please don't tell anyone" I plead, looking at her, terrified at the thought of someone knowing that I cut.
"I really think you should see a therapist-" she starts.
"No!" I cut her off "No one can know okay! Please, it's just a one time thing..."
"A one time thing? Is that why you've got scars all over your arms" She places her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow "Oh wait I know! I'll help you!! People say I'm really good at comforting people!" she exclaims.
"Look I don't need your help. I'm fine." I mutter, rinsing off my arm and pushing my sleeve back down.
"Yes you do! Because I've decided that I'm your friend now and you can't change that, I'll keep believing it and annoying you until you give in. I'm very persistent" She smirks.
"Whatever keeps your mouth shut." I grab my knife back, shoving it into my pocket and pick up my bag.
"See you at break!" she grins, before walking into a stall.
I decided that I couldn't face the glares of my classmates, as my hand hovers over the door knob, I shake my head and walk down the hallway, as quickly as I could, hoping to not get caught by a teacher. I slip out of school, walking through the gate, I look around, wondering where I could go, I can't go home until 3:30, pops would be suspicious if I came home early, I decide that the park will do as I set off down the street.
I sit down on the damp grass, under a willow tree, flipping open my laptop as I decide that now would be the perfect time to get some work done...

* * *

I push my way through the front door, just to be greeted by an angry looking father, his hands on his hips, tapping one foot.
"Would you like to explain to me why you missed a whole day of class young lady ?" he raises an eyebrow, his gaze piercing.
"I-How do you know?" I stutter.
"School called to inform me that you walked out of class and didn't seem to  reappear at lunch or any lessons after the first one." Pops says, looking challenging.
"I-I didn't feel like working-" I lie.
"Hah yeah like I'm going to believe that" he scoffs, cutting me off "Wait Phillipa-" I noticeably wince at the name "What are you- where are your- what are you wearing...?" he trails off, looking at my chest, confused and suspicious.
My eyes widen, when I left class I completely forgot to take my coat when I left, and I hadn't even noticed.
"Are you wearing a binder?" he asks, looking shocked.
I glance at him, suddenly feeling lightheaded, I push my way past him, staggering up the stairs, just having enough time to lock my bedroom door as I slump down on the floor, my whole body trembling and my breathing quickening. I'm barely aware of the shouting and banging on my door, everything sounding so far away as I let out a loud sob, my nails digging into my palms.

Alexander's POV

I rush after her as soon as she pushes past me, reaching her bedroom door just as I hear a click and it locks.
" Phillipa!Let me in! Phillipa!" I shout, knocking on the door as I hear a rattling sob. I could hear her the other side of the door, there was no way I could break down the door without risking hurting my daughter.
I hear someone enter the house, Eliza, shit, I think to myself, knowing she was going to freak out when I tell her what's going on.
"Alexander I'm home!" She shouts "Alexander?" She says, confused as I don't respond.
"Oh there you are Alex!" she smiles, walking up the stairs, that smile quickly falls when she sees my face "What's wrong?" she asks.
"Phillipa- I- School said that she didn't go to school all day so when she got home I questioned her. I knew she was lying to me, she's a very bad liar. Then I noticed that she had no- I mean it looked like she was wearing a... binder." I say, quietly "And so I asked her about that, and she ran upstairs and now I think she's crying, but I don't know why-"
"Oh Alexander," Eliza looks at me sympathetically "Is it really that hard to work it out?"

AN: This isn't as long as I'd hoped but next chapter will be longer (probably dkajhagag) I just wanted to keep some shit for chapter 3. :,)

Girl? Boy. [Pheacker highschool AU] {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now