Chapter 5

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TW: homophobic slurs
George's POV

I walk home, a huge grin spreading across my face, I might have just gotten my best friend back, although I still had many people to apologize to. I knew that if I wanted to win Philip back and get him to trust me that I would have to make up for every shitty thing I've done, and apologizing to every person I've ever bullied is definitely a start.
I arrive home and push the door open only to be greeted by a screaming voice that I know all too well.
"Hey George guess what?"My father drunkenly shouts.
"What?" I sigh.
"Your sister just told me she was a fag! You know how gross that is right? I'm glad you're normal." He scoffs.
"Yeah but dad-" I start.
"Why haven't you got a girlfriend yet? I mean we share such good looks you must have one. Unless my other child is a faggot too." He says, his face twisted with anger.
"No, no I've got a girlfriend dad don't worry." I lie.
"Thank god for blessing me with one sane child, I want to meet her. Tomorrow." He decides.
Knowing that once he's made up his mind, he won't negotiate, I agree to let him meet "my girlfriend" even though I was severely lacking in one of those.
I ran upstairs, scrolling through my phone contacts, looking for someone I could trust enough to lie for me, I see "Susan Reynolds" As I scroll, knowing that my father would approve of her I call her, I smile as she picks up after the second ring.
"Hey George what's up?"
"Hi Sue, I really need your help, like a huge favor kind of help."
"What do you need me for?" I hear her sigh.
"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend, and I really need it to be believable."
"And what's in it for me?"
"I'll owe you one, I'll do whatever you need."
"Fine, I'll do it, but if it's going to be believable shouldn't we, you know, practice?"
"What do you mean?"
"I should pretend to be your girlfriend at school tomorrow, that way we'll see if we're believable, plus I want to show my ex that I'm over him. It's perfect."
"I-I guess, thanks Susan, see you tomorrow."
"Bye babe."
I wince as I hang up, I really didn't want to have to pretend to be in a relationship at school, especially since it means that I'm going to have to be with her all day, and not with Philip. I sigh, wondering why my thoughts keep finding my way back to him. His light freckled skin, his cute curly hair that looked adorable in a bun, his long black eyelashes, his amazing as-
I shook my head, trying to push all those thoughts away, I was supposed to be dating Susan tomorrow, and I needed everyone to believe it.

* * *

I roll out of bed, 15 minutes before I need to be at school, which to be fair, was earlier than I was usually up. I pulled on a pair of light blue ripped jeans, a plain grey sweatshirt and black sneakers, I brushed my teeth, and after 5 minutes was out of the door. I grabbed a large takeaway black coffee on the way, to wake me up, almost spitting it out as the coffee mixed with the taste of my toothpaste, but continued drinking it, knowing that I had a higher chance of falling asleep in class if I didn't drink it.
As I walked into school, my gaze fixed on Philip, smiling at him as we made eye contact, only breaking it when I felt soft lips press against mine, but not before I saw a distraught look on his face.
I looked down to see Susan, beautiful, perfect, curvy, female, Susan. I smiled and kissed back, actually enjoying it as her arms went around my neck, pulling me closer.
"Hey Georgie." She purrs, breaking away.
"Hello fake girlfri- I mean Susan." I smile, embarrassed.
"Aw it doesn't have to be fake now does it." She smirks.
"I-I guess not but-" I sigh, stopping myself from talking, I knew that people would start to find it weird if I, the most popular guy in school, never had a girlfriend.
"You're right, maybe it doesn't have to be fake." I whisper into her ear, before taking her hand, and walking away, only glancing back to see Philip's sad gaze fixed on us, what's wrong with him? I think to myself, I have to ask him later.

Philip's POV

I had just started to walk over to George when she went up to him and kissed him. The daughter of that whore who had an affair with my dad, I thought bitterly. My hopes of George maybe not being straight now shattered.
"Hey Pip what's wrong?" I look up to see Theo's face full of worry.
"Nothing just- Did you know that Susan Reynolds and Eacker are dating?" I ask her.
"What? No? Since when." She looks down at me, shocked.
"I don't fucking know but I do know that they are now." I spit, not even bothering to hide the venom in my voice.
"Ohhh so that's why you're upset, does someone have a crush on George?" She teases.
"No it's just that... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree you know-" I mutter, knowing it's unfair on Susan to assume such things, but what can I say, I'm upset.
"Philip!" Theodosia gasps "That's so mean!"
"Yeah whatever she's a hoe-"
"Philip stop-"
"I'm telling the truth."
"Philip I know you're upset that George is with someone else but-"
"I'm not upset about that I'm just worried about him!" I shout, trembling slightly.
"Philip don't lie to me-" Theo murmurs.
"I'm not-"
"You are-"
"Leave me alone, Theodosia, I'm not in the mood." I say harshly before stalking off to class.
I sit down in my seat next to George, trying to ignore the girl on his lap as they make out.
"Get a room." I hiss, glaring at them.
"Jeez no need to be so rude." Susan scoffs before getting up and walking over to her seat.
"What was that about?" George asks.
"Nothing it's just gross." I say, blankly, before turning away from him and crossing my arms, ignoring whatever he's trying to say to me.
Mr. Washington walks into the room, shouting at anyone who's talking. I ignore whatever his babbling on about until I hear him shout something.
"What did you say?" I hear someone ask from the other side of the class.
"I said whoever threw this paper-" He says, holding up a scrunched up piece of paper "-your mom's a hoe."
I hear multiple people laugh, including George but I only mutter "It was probably Susan then."
I look up to see that George had stopped laughing and was now glaring at me "What did you say?" he hisses.
"Nothing." I look away.
"What gives you the right to-" he starts before being cut off by Washington announcing that for the next assignment you will need to work with the person next to you, and that he didn't want any "tantrums or hissy fits" and that everyone should just "suck it up"
My eyes widen as I look over to George.
"Look Philip I know you're mad at me for god knows why, but can we just agree to work on this. Together."
"I guess." I mutter "You can come over tonight if you want."
"Actually tonight isn't great Susan and I-"
"Are going to be fucking?"
"No, she's just coming to my house-"
"So that you can fuck her into your mattress, no it's fine I get it, I'll just do all the work myself."
"What's your damage Philip?" He growls.
"Hah you're finally asking me that after you bullied me for 3 years straight-" I scream at him.
"Philip I thought you said we were good-" He looks at me sadly.
"Yeah well maybe we're not, since I know you'd rather spend time with your girlfriend there's no point even trying to be anything more than what we were before." I mutter, not looking him in the eyes.
"Philip please- I'll come over to yours tomorrow, I just- I'll explain everything if you'll talk to me-" I wince as he gently puts his fingers under my chin, lifting it up so that we made eye contact.
"Fine." I put simply, before standing up, and walking to my next class.

George's POV

I sigh as I walk out of school, my arm around Susan's waist. Philip was acting so weird, and I could not figure out why, maybe he just really hated Susan, but I liked her, even if I didn't like her "that way". She was always very well put together, today she had her hair in a bun, like Philip's, and she was wearing tight black jeans with a red t-shirt tucked into them and an oversized denim jacket. She looks like what I imagined her mom looked like when she was younger, long brown curly hair, full lips, long eyelashes and caramel skin. She was definitely what one might call "attractive" and I knew that many people would love to date her, so why wasn't I into her?
I broke me out of my daze when she moved her hand to my arm, I could feel myself tense as she squeezed it.
"Damn that's a nice bicep, maybe later I could see the rest of your muscles." She smirks "I've already told my mom that I might not be back tonight so-"
"Yeah maybe-" I rasp, hoping she would change her mind "Anyway we're here now hahah-!!"
"Mm nice house." She smiles, looking around as I open the door.
My dad walks into the hallway, as drunk as ever, as enter.
"You must be Susanna." He slurs, shaking her hand.
"Actually my name is Susan Mr. Eacker-" She starts.
"Call me Jacob, Susanna." He grins "Now that I've met you, and confirmed that my son isn't a fag, you can either leave or stay I don't care" He walks back into the living room, leaving us standing awkwardly in the hallway.
"So uh- want something to drink?" I ask, not sure what to say.
"I'm fine thanks, let's just go upstairs, your dad is down here and he seems um..." She murmurs.
"Horrible? Inappropriate? Rude? Yeah he's all of those things, you're right, we should go upstairs." I smile, slightly embarrassed.
We go upstairs, and talk, and laughs , and take photos of us kissing for snapchat with a "❤️" as a caption, until it starts to get dark, because that's apparently what couples do. I definitely like Susan, a lot, she's funny, easy to talk to, kind, like a friend should be, but I still can't grasp the idea of her being my girlfriend.
"So George, are you a virgin?" She asks, nonchalantly.
"I- What- No" I stutter "Well I mean I've only fucked people drunk I guess, but I'm not a virgin" I laugh slightly "Why?" I ask.
"No reason, just... curious." She smirks, winking at me. I hear her move as I turn my head and suddenly feel her straddling me.
"W-What are you doing?" I look at her.
"Just being a good girlfriend." She smiles, sweetly before pressing her lips against mine, pushing her tongue into my mouth as I try to say something. He hands roam my body as they slip under my shirt, her finger lightly tracing my abs. She pulls my shirt off, detaching her lips from mine and moving them down my neck, leaving a trail of small hickeys. I decide to play along, but hoping it wouldn't go any further than this, I slip my hands under he shirt, feeling her curves as they glide across her smooth, warm, skin. Her hands move to my pants, unbuckling my belt, and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

But I don't stop her.

AN: Longest chapter yet woah. I promise they'll be some kind of good Pheacker soon but yknow angst is fun :,)

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