The Kirk Family

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There's no use in telling the story of Captain James Tiberius Kirk who was legendary as a Starfleet Captain and negotiator. Even though he'd been called home to Aurora-Penthe Seven to become a warrior due training in the established training camps, he always knew the violence of the fight with blades didn't appeal to him until his dying breath. Neither he or his brother went to their parents' home planet, motives coming clear when his brother had only interest in science and he himself turned out to be Omaruu.

Young James Kirk was an explorer by heart and felt it was his destiny to travel among the stars and meet new species of new worlds in the Alpha Quadrant what had yet to be explored in human history. He had never thought of true love, but it changed when he met the intriguing Vulcan male Spock, his First Officer aboard the Enterprise.

Spock didn't only challenge him physically, but mentally as well. A quality Aharii lacked due to their focus on physical strength that costs a lot of neurological pathways in their frontal cortex. It made Jamouros fall in love quicker than he realized and regularly fantasized about having sex with the Vulcan as well as birthing his pointy-eared super-genius children.

This fantasy came true during their second 5-year-mission, when Commander Spock came into the Captain's quarters after his shift and found his Captain sitting on his bed in a rather compromising position, while naked.

The Commander helped his Captain, but not without finding out that the other male wished to be his romantical partner in body and mind. This was the moment he laid claim on the blonde Hatorian male.

After their physical joining, Jamouros showed his new lover the real body of an Omaruu Hatorian, which included the sensitive square formed ridges on his inner thighs and his most pudgy waist area.

It was the beginning of a legendary romance.


Merely a year after their first physical joining, they married in Vulcan traditions in front of the entire NCC-1701 USS Enterprise crew in 2270.

A mere 3 years later, when James and Spock visited the home province Taviya of the former Captain's ancestors, James went into labor for the first time. He delivered a newborn green blooded boy with pointed ears and a small mop of sleek black hair on his head as well as the square formed ridges on his limbs and torso. He was named Christian James Sarek, in memory of Admiral Christopher Pike and to honor Spock's father Ambassador Sarek.

The boy was treasured by both his parents, who were glad he was healthy and strong for one so young.

As soon as he turned out to be Aharii in the eyes of the Hatorians, Lady Wohuha Karii arranged the fact that a Cardassian girl would come to live in their family household so she could be raised as a proper bride for the son Jamouros birthed.

This wasn't discovered until the birth of Jamouros's second child in 2277, which was a girl they'd named Amanda Victoria.

The Starfleet officers understood Wohuha's motives, since she wished her line to continue through a male heir. But she shouldn't have arranged anything without at least informing them about it.

The Cardassian girl in question arrived on a Cardassian transport in 2277 at Rikkuu central space station, a mere month before the birth of Amanda. Her name was Illnoira Garak, barely 1 year old when she was put on that transport to the Hatorian home world.

Wohuha would raise the girl until she was 16, the proper age of meeting someone's arranged partner in marriage.

Jamouros and Spock went back to Earth with their two children after settling this quarrel.

Their closest friend Doctor McCoy delivered both their 3rd child Elizabeth Ikoyamo at Starfleet Medical Center in San Francisco in 2280 and their 4th child Mary-Anne Kashaya aboard the USS Enterprise-A somewhere near Klingon space in 2285.


Christian James Sarek Kirk was mainly raised in multicultural non-xenophobic San Francisco. Everybody knew his parents as they were a famous Starfleet command team. It made himself think about joining Starfleet as well, even after his fathers told him he had a woman waiting for him on Aurora-Penthe Seven.

As soon as he could, which was at the age of 15, he joined Starfleet. He choose the same career path as his Omaruu father: the way of Command.

While still being a Cadet, he was faced with other species and their customs. Chris was often chosen by other Captains to travel along with them for real-life observations. This was mainly due to his Vulcan nature of careful observation.

When he was 16.583 years old, he traveled to Aurora-Penthe Seven with the assurance he would remember this trip. It's when he met his Cardassian bride Illnoira.

Illnoira was a beautiful young lady with flexible black hair and a dark grey skin with ridges around the eyes and on her upper chest. She greeted her future groom in the customary way by speaking the customary greeting in the Hatorian language and bowing to him.

The Cardassian girl was highly educated, a mind to match a Vulcan's. She found her future groom a worthy soldier and diplomat with extremely pleasing looks. She would accept it if he would take other brides beside her.

Chris accepted Illnoira as wife-to-be, before speaking to her about her wishes. He would however return to Earth and become a Starfleet officer to cross around the Galaxy in a starship. It's how she came to join Starfleet as well, as a pilot.


At Starfleet Academy, Christian had a short romance with Melissa Nyota Scott, but had to break it off due different career choices.

Then he got involved with a young Romulan male named Nero t'Delatham who made him realize he was bisexual just like his Omaruu father. This relationship resulted into an engagement and pregnancy, but was broken off due to difficulties in the Romulan-Vulcan politics.

The children from this engagement, Jemima & S'Talagus, were born in a hospital in the capitol of the Romulan Star Empire on Romulus in 2292 and send to Vulcan to live with their great-grandparents Ambassador Sarek and Lady Amanda Grayson since Nero's parents didn't want to have anything to do with the children of a Starfleet officer.

This all happened during Chris's last year at the Academy, before his first commission aboard the USS Excelsior under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu, who was a friend of both his fathers since he'd served as helmsman and Lieutenant aboard the USS Enterprise.

After this first commission of 2 years, Christian James Sarek Kirk officially married Illnoira Garak of Cardassia in 2294 at the age of 21 years old.

After several commissions as Lieutenant and Lieutenant-Commander, he was promoted to Captain in 2319. His first captaincy was the NCC-42136 USS Cairo from 2320 to 2326 before it was destroyed by the next Captain during an encounter with rogue Klingons in 2328.

This story is set on the NCC-78462 USS Typhoon, a Galaxy-class starship, launched in 2329.



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