You are Cordially Invited

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Captain's personal log, stardate 51247.5. It's been a week since our return to Deep Space Nine, but the mood of celebration continues. We're still at war, and the station's been designated Headquarters for the Ninth Fleet. That, plus our strategic position guarding the wormhole, makes DS Nine one of the most tempting targets in the entire quadrant. But for now at least, the war seems very far away.


Sisko looked over the busy Promenade from the upper level as Thalassa went over to him.

"Good morning Captain."

The dark skinned human smiled. "Do you know how much I missed hearing you say that."

"Do you know how much I hated saying, 'Good morning, Dukat.'?" the half-Klingon said, placing her hands on the railing.

He laughed. "I can imagine. What's on the agenda?"

"The USS Potemkin has completed her repairs and is rejoining the fleet later today. Exeter, Sutherland and Akagi have submitted resupply requests, and there are about a thousand messages from Starfleet Command awaiting your eyes only attention. Oh, and Major Kira told that Martok is waiting in your office."

"Ah. I'll start with the General."

The hybrid nudged with her head. "Thought you would."


"You knew about this, didn't you?" the General was a grump.

Sisko only smiled. "I had a pretty good idea."

"And you did nothing to stop it?"

"No. In fact, I recommended you for the position myself. Allow me to offer my congratulations to the new Supreme Commander of the Ninth Fleet." the Captain said, reaching out with his hand.

The Klingon took it before commenting: "Do you have any idea how much paperwork a Supreme Commander has to do?"

"You're welcome. May I arrange quarters for you on the station?"

Martok shook his head. "No, I'll keep my flag aboard the Rotarran. It may be cramped, but at least I'll feel like I'm still in the war. By the way, I'd like Worf to continue functioning as my principal Intelligence Officer."

"I don't see any problem with that. He's the only officer I know who can never get enough work." the human said.

"At least if he's busy he'll stop going on about this wedding of his. There were times aboard the Rotarran he nearly drove me mad. Until his son arrived, it was all he could talk about. Then Alexander became all he could talk about. The man is nothing if not single-minded."

"I haven't met Worf's son yet. What's he like?"

"He's a fine boy. Dedicated, eager. He has the heart of his father, but he's not the best soldier I've ever seen."


The soon to-be-wed couple was sitting around a table at Quark's.

Worf's son Alexander was telling another one of his crazy mistakes.

"But when he ordered me to bring the system back online I thought he was still talking about the hydrostatic system, so-"

"You did not engage the pumps while the check valves were open?" Soval interrupted.

Worf nodded. "He did."

The quarter human boy shrugged. "I flooded the entire deck with superheated hydraulic fluid. It took me three days to clean it up, but I swear it still smells like burnt dog hair in there."

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