Uncle Paul- Chapter 2

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The next few days of our brilliant plan was about me mostly learning almost everything I needed to know. I sighed. I wasn't athletic at all. I hated anything to do with sports. Besides football. I could play it all day! "So, you think you are ready?" Jordan asked and I nodded. We had gotten the ticket switched over into my name and I was all packed. 

"Hopefully I am not asked to do any gymnastics routine." I said with a nervous laugh. I left tomorrow and I was very nervous.

"And remember, Call me whenever you can and text me if you forget something." She said and I smiled. I always wanted to go to England. I wonder what the surprise is. "Oh and, remember, I can't sing as great as you so, try to tone that down a bit." She said and I laughed.

"Trust me. I don't plan on singing." I said and looked at her and frowned. "Are you sure this will work?"



I stayed at her house last night and this morning, she took me to the airport. "Ready?" She asked and I nodded. "Now Boarding Flight 131 to London." The lady said and I gave her one last hug goodbye.

"Bye Emily." I said with a smile.

"Bye Jordan." She said and I left to go and get on the plane.  I sat in my window seat and looked out. I was terrified of heights and well, I've never been flying before. This shall be fun. I buckled my seatbelt and got ready for take off. After that, I put on my Beats earbuds and started playing my songs. Jordan and I were slightly different. We both had different taste in music. I liked almost everything. She, not so much. I played 'Bewitched' by Blood On The Dance Floor and closed my eyes, drifting into sleep.


I rubbed my eyes as the plane landed. I yawned and made my way off of the plane and went to go pick up my luggage. It was chilly so I took out my over sized zip-up hoody and slipped it on. I stuck my earbuds up through them and put them back in and turned my music up loud. 'Blackbird' by the Beatles started playing and I silently sang along. I spotted my black suitcase and grabbed it. I looked around for a sign that said 'Jordan Callahan' I found it and saw her, I mean, my uncle.I removed one earbud and smiled at him.

"Uncle Paul!" I said, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Jordy! What did you do to your hair?" He asked and I smiled.

"I dyed it. You like?" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course. So, how have you been?" He asked and we walked out of the airport, I was stunned. London was beautiful. "Jordy? Jordy!?" Paul said and I shook my head.

"Sorry, London is way more pretty then I remembered it." I said and he smiled.

"So, your surprise is waiting for you back at home. You were never told about where I work were you?" He asked and I shook my head a no. "Good." He said and we got in. I adjusted my red skinny jeans and smiled down at my red converse and smiled. I stopped playing my music and took my earbuds out and rested them on the edge of my sweatshirt.

"So, Paul, how is everyone?" I asked. "Sorry I missed the wedding."

"It's fine. You had a nation wide gymnastics meet. It's fine." He said and I smiled. I was actually there for that. Jordan took 1st in her event. It was boring.

We smiled in a peaceful silence as we rode the rest of the way to the house. When we got there, I looked up and was stunned. It was a huge mansion! How did Jordan not want to come!? Oh yeah, she is a part of a 'Team'. Bleh. I raced in motor-cross. It's fun. Oooh, I wonder if Paul has dirt bikes. Hmmm..

We pulled up and the driver opened my door. I got out and grabbed my suitcase. "Jordy, have you heard of One Direction?" He asked and I was about to start fangirling but held it in.

"I've heard a few songs." I said nonchalantly. He smiled and opened the door. I looked around and looked back at Paul. "Paul? What's going on?" I asked.

"I HEAR A GIRL!" A British voice said and I shivered. British accents are so yummy! I look toward the stairs as I see... no way.. Harry Styles followed by the rest of the boys come running at me. Harry picked me up and hugged me. Calm down inner fangirl. Act like you don't know them.

"Paul, why are these strangers hugging me?" I asked and Harry backed away shocked.

"You don't know who we are!?" Niall said and I almost went weak at the knees. Hearing the Irish accent over youtube is sexy, but hearing it in real life? SAFHKLDSFJKAHD!

"No. Who are you?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"I'm Zayn Malik!" Zayn said smiling. Mmmm.. sexy man.. Jordan won't believe me.

"I'm Harry Styles."

"Niall Horan."

"Louis Tomlinson!"

"And I am Liam Payne. We are One Direction." He said and they did jazz hands. I turned toward Paul.

"So, what room is mine?" I asked aware of the boys staring at me like I was a wild animal.

"Next to Harry and Lou's." He said. "There is a door that leads to Liam's room too." I nodded and went on a hunt. Well, I choose the wrong trip to bring my One Direction bikini.

Harry and Lou started following me and they showed me to the room. I tossed my suitcase down and shooed them out.I pulled out my phone and dialed Jordan. "Hey Em! How's it going."

"Your surprise was meeting One Direction!" I yelled into the phone and fangirled a bit. Harry and Lou entered and it looked like they were breathless.

"What happened?" They asked in unison. Mmm Larry.

"We Are The In Crowd followed me on twitter!" I yelled and they smiled at me.

"Can we have your Twitter?" They asked and I shook my head no. They frowned and I shooed them out of the room again.

"Are you serious!?" She asked.

"Yes!" I said and sat on the bed.

"Lucky Bitch." She said and I laughed.

"Emmy, I don't think this will work." I said sudden;y getting nervous.

"Don't wory Em. You can do it!" She said and I sighed. "Well, I got to go, game is tomorrow. Text ya soon! Have fun with the 5 sex gods!"

"I will!" I said and we laughed. "Bye Jordan."

"Bye Emily." She said and I hung up. I peeked out into the hallway and it was empty. I grabbed my bathroom stuff and went to the bathroom.

"SHOWER IS IN USE!" I shouted, shutting and locking the door. I stripped and proceeded to shower. I started singing one of One Directions songs, 'Stand Up' in the shower and was still singing it when I got out. I dressed in shorts and a tanktop with my sweatshirt on and opened the door.I yelped as I saw a smirking Harry.

"You are a fan." He said and I gulped.

"N-no I'm not." I stuttered and he backed me up into the wall.

"Don't lie." He said, placing his hands on my hips. It sent shivers up and down my spin. I wasn't used to a guy's touch. I always wore baggy clothes unless I was home alone. He leaned forward and my breath hitched. His lips were about an inch away from mine when someone yelled.

"Oi! Harry! Leave her alone!" Liam said and Harry backed away.

"But Liam! She is lying to us! She is a fan." Harry said and I smiled.

"It's not like I know that Liam's full name is Liam James Payne. Niall's is Niall James Horan. Your's is Harry Edward Styles. Louis is Louis William Tomlinson and Zayn's is Zayn Jawaad Malik." I said and smiled. Liam and Harry were staring at me. "Okay, I am A HUGE FAN!" I shouted and proceeded to fangirl. The others came running and Paul smirked.

"I knew you were a huge fan Jordy!" Paul said and I smiled. I ran and jumped into Harry's arms and ran my hand through his curls.

"I'm living every fans dream!" I said and smiled.

I'm glad we decided to switch.

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