Oh shit - Chapter Five.

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Hey guys! Sorry it's kind of short! D:

I didn't really know what to write, because I didn't want to get into detail, because, well, that would give away the surprise in Court's chapter when she explains everything.

So, much to my dismay, this chapter is short and unexciting. D:

I'm sorry!


I allowed Emily 5 more hours of sleep before I called her again. Though, I knew in the back of my head that she probably had gotten up after our phone call ended and went for a run. That was the thing about Em - Once she was up, she was up. There was no going back to sleep for her. Whereas I could sleep all day, no matter what the circumstances.

I chuckled lightly, suddenly missing Emily a lot. This was the longest we'd ever been apart before. Unlocking my Iphone, I dialed her number and pressed call. It rang once, twice, three times before sending me straight to voicemail.

"Hey, Em. It's me. I'm just wondering how you're doing, what you're doing. I hope you're having fun. I miss you. Okay, well, call me when you get the chance. Bye." I sighed into the phone, lightly tapping end when I finished.

It was weird that she wasn't answering - Emily almost always answered her phone. I even made sure to tell her to have her phone on her at all times, in case one of us needed each other. Because, well, let's face it...when you're pretending to be someone else in a different country, you're bound to need each others help at some point. Communication is key in the art of trickery.

I walked into Emily's bathroom and stripped off my clothes, quickly hopping into the shower, deciding that I could call her again after I finished. Lathering my hair with shampoo, I thought of all the things that Emily could be doing.

Hanging out with One Direction, no doubt. Making out with Harry? Hopefully, but Emily is way too shy to make the first move, so that's probably a negative. She just better not be touching my Irish lover, as Emily and I call him. Honestly, I was a little jealous of Em - She was hanging out with the 5 hottest boys in the world right now! Who could blame me?

Once I was finished cleansing, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around both my hair and body. I strode back into her bedroom and sifted through my suitcase at my clothing options. Eventually settling on my flag LOVE tank top and some red shorts, I happily pulled them on. As I began to blow dry my hair, I checked my phone. Emily still hadn't call me back. 

I frowned and finished drying my hair. As soon as I was sure my hair was completely dry, I plugged in Em's straightener and picked my phone up again. Dialing her number, I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. Please pick up, please. After a couple of rings, it sent me to voicemail again.

"When you are finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options." I mocked and tapped the end button, not even bothering to leave a voicemail this time. "Stupid phone." I growled as I threw my phone at the wall in frustration.

Leaving my phone where it ended up on her floor, I trudged back into the bathroom and straightened my hair. It took a good 30 minutes to get all of my blonde locks perfectly straight, seeing as how long my hair was getting. I always contemplated getting it cut, but Emily never let me - she told me that people would kill to have my upper-ribcage-length hair.

Applying some blue eyeliner on top and black on the bottom, I began to worry a lot about Em. She should've called me back by now, it's been nearly two hours since the first time I called her. Emily is never away from her phone for that long, unless she's running.

"She's just running, Jord." I whispered to myself as I put on some nude eyeshadow on. "Don't worry. Everything is fine."

Grabbing my red "TEXAS" hat and blue Wayfarer sunglasses and putting them on, I completed my look. I searched my purse for my wallet, pulled out a few bucks, and stuffed them into my pocket. I recovered my phone from the floor and pushed the home button. I gasped - my screen was cracked the whole way across. "SHIT." I yelled, slapping my forehead. "Way to go, Jordan." I shouldn't have thrown my phone. Idiot, idiot! How was I going to explain this to my mom?

I slid the unlock bar to the right, which confirmed that it - luckily - was still functional. Nut it also confirmed the fact that Emily still wasn't answering my phone calls. I groaned. It's been over 8 hours since I was last in contact with her. What could she possibly be doing that is taking this long? Surely she can't be kissing Harry Styles for 8 hours straight, right? I laughed out loud at that thought. That'd be quite odd.

Pulling my phone out yet again, I composed a new message.

To: HotBitch!<3

Why aren't you answering any of my calls? Are you okay? I hope you aren't 'snogging' with Harry! You've only been there for 3 days, Em!

I laughed, reading over my text. Emily and I made fun of the word snogging all the time. It's just such a weird word that it makes kissing sound unpleasant. It sounds as if they want to eat your face off. So naturally, if a random guy came up to me and told me he wanted to 'snog' me, I'd be grossed out and probably run away. Kissing is a much better word, hands down.

I hopped down the steps of Emily's house as I hummed "Want U Back" by Cher Lloyd. You know, as much as the 'UMPH' parts are pointless, annoying, and hilarious, it's still quite a catchy song. It's just hard to take it serious when she sounds like she's having rough anal sex with a gorilla. Yeah, I went there. Or maybe it's the 'brrrrrrrrrr, does I sound like a helicopter?' at the end that annoys me the most. Or the random puppy in the music video.

Either way, she needs to make more realistic videos without impersonating a helicopter or making sex noises. End of story.

I was just about to head out of the door when the doorbell sounded throughout the house. "What the hell?" I whispered, running over to the living room window and looking out. The bushes in the front of the house were in my way, resulting in me not getting a good look at whoever was out there. All I knew from the different colored shirts that were peeking through the holes in the bush was that there was more than one of them. I gulped and opened up the door as I swallowed my fear and tried to prepare myself.

Only I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

There stood Emily, with a sheepish look on her face, along with my Uncle Paul and One Direction behind her back. My mouth flew open in shock as my stomach dropped. "Surprise?" Emily more or less asked.

Our plan failed. And from the look on my Uncle Pauls face - I was in deep shit.

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