Second Guesses and Chinese Food - Chapter 13

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* Jordan *

 The boys, Emily, and I did our separate things. The boys tried to write, while Emily fiddled with her guitar, and I practiced my gymnastics. Thankfully, when I was younger, Uncle Paul had build a gymnasium-type area in the enormous basement of his house. The ceilings were - thankfully - high enough to be able to do uneven bars, balance beam, and vault.At least I had a gym in his house, which allowed me to not lose any skill.

I strode over to the middle of the floor and worked on my flexibility. Truth was - I was very flexible, but it took me a long time to get this way and I sure as hell wasn't about to lose it. Sliding down, I went into my splits and touched my nose to my knee cap.

"You're flexible." Niall stated, watching me practice.


"You don't know the half of it." I winked and moved into a full straddle, with my arms out in front of me and nose to the floor. The boys laughed and "oooohh"ed.

"Flirt." He sang as he turned back to the notebook and scribbled something down.

"You love it." I replied in the same sing song voice, standing up and then sitting on Liam's lap. I could've sworn I saw Niall glare out of the corner of his eye, but shook it off. I didn't like Liam like that. "How's the writing coming along?"

"We haven't had much inspiration." He admitted, setting his own notebook down with a heavy sigh. The rest of the boys voiced their agreements and groaned. Song writing must be hard - I wouldn't know, I never had a knack for music. Just sports.

"Do you guys want to practice with me? Improve your flexibility?" I smirked playfully. Seeing One Direction trying to be flexible would be hysterical. Praying, I asked God to please let them say yes.

"You can't improve my skills." Niall winked. "But sure, I'll try, I might get inspiration." I grinned and told him to change before we started. The rest of the boys declined, much to my dismay, and headed upstairs with Emily because they 'couldn't be distracted' or whatever. 

Niall stared in awe as I started to do some of my best moves. Yeah, I'll admit. I was showing off a little bit. Once the short routine was over, I  walked over to a shocked Niall. "So, Mr. Horan, think you can do that?"

"Are you crazy?! I can't bend like that!"

I smirked. "Well then, I guess I'm going to have to give you extra lessons to loosen you up." Niall smirked pervertedly at me. "You definitely need to get laid." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Now come, find a spot. Just do what you can."

"That won't be much." Niall scoffed and joined me on the floor. It was dark by the time Niall and I were back upstairs. Naturally, when we first came upstairs, Emily gave me the "You just had sex, didn't you?" look. My eyes opened wide as I furiously shook my head no. Do I have sex hair or something?

"Stop being such a baby." I laughed as Niall groaned and collapsed onto the floor. Of course I knew he wouldn't be able to handle the things I do - not many people can. Not to be cocky, or anything. It was just the truth.

"I ache so much!" He whined childishly. "How the hell do you do this every day?"

"Because I want to go to the Olympics." I stated matter of factly. And I was so close to achieving that goal that I could almost taste it. It was my dream. "I'll run you a bath okay?" I sighed as I turned towards the stairs, I caved. Stupid Jordan for giving in and actually feeling bad.

"You're a babe!" Niall yelled as I went up the steps and into his bathroom. That's right, we all had our separate bathrooms. Well, except Emily - Uncle Paul was working on that one. He was going to extend the house a little bit more and add in a room for Emily. Until then, she had to use the guest bedroom and share my bathroom.

"I know!" I shouted, smiling like a little kid. He was so cute - perfect in every single way. His voice sent shivers down my spine, his Irish accent making me feel safe. His blue eyes had wormed a way to my heart and I couldn't believe it. I've known Niall for 3 days now and I'm already starting to fall for him.

This can't be good.


*Niall's POV*

I heard the water start running into the bath, so he slowly got to my feet. I silently walked to the bathroom and leaned against the sink when I got there, watching Jordan. My brows furrowed together, noticing the huge scar on the inside of her thigh. It was massive - It ran nearly the entire way up her leg.

"Jordy." I muttered, causing her to scream and fall into the bath. "Fuck!" I yelled and  ran over and helped Jordy to sit up, even if she was in the bath. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you scared the shit out of me Niall." Jordan laughed lightly, pushing her hair back from her eyes. "Don't sneak up on me ever again."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." I smiled apologetically before helping Jordan out of the tub. She nearly slipped but I wrapped my arms around her waist just in time.

"Thanks." She smiled up at me, which made my heart flutter. She was beautiful.

"No problem." I smiled back. It was silent for a moment before I started to lean towards Jordan, but she swiflty moved from my arms and to the door, leaving me dumbfounded.

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked, not looking back at me.

"I don't mind." I whispered. Quite honestly, I was hurt. The girl who makes my heart flutter rejected me after so much flirting. I thought I had a chance. Clearly not.

"I'll order Chinese."

"Okay." It was pointless to respond, Jordy had already shut the door and walked off. I slowly looked back at the bath, images of the scar on Jordan's legs flashed into my head.


*Jordan POV*

Stupid, stupid. Why am I such a screw up? Why didn't I kiss him?

You're afraid to fall for him, Jordan.

What? Nonsense. I've had boyfriends before.

Not famous ones. You're afraid that you're going to fall for him and that when he's on tour, without you, he's going to find another girl. You're afraid of what the fans with say. You see all the shit Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle get sometimes. You're afraid that you won't be good enough for him. You're afraid that management won't except it. You're afraid of what Uncle Paul will say. Face it, Jordan. You're a chicken.

I am not! Jordan Callahan is no chicken, thank you very much. I'm not afraid....okay yes I am.

Told you.

Oh, shut up. You're starting to sound like Emily.

"Hey, Jo?" Uncle Paul called from the living room, breaking me from my inner battle. I sighed and walked into the living room and sat down next to him. "We're gunna go car shopping tomorrow morning, sound good?"

I nodded and put on a fake smile. "Yeah, sounds good." Pulling out my phone, I dialed the Chinese place's number. I had it memorized by heart - It was my favorite place to eat in England. "I'm going to order Chinese for supper, is that okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." Uncle Paul waved his hand dismissively, not turning his attention away from the TV. I rolled my eyes and placed the order before thinking of a way to get over my fear of falling for Niall Horan.

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