Busted! -Chappie 6

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Heheehhehehe Enjoy!!




~the previous day~

I sighed and sat Liam on the bed. "My name is Emily Brown. Jordan and I are best friends and she had a soccer tournament and a gymnastics meet when she was supposed to come here. It was my idea for the switch and I knew she couldn't miss out on those things. It was going well until you decided to be a snoop and go through my phone." I explained.

"Why didn't she just tell Paul that she had important stuff going on?" He asked and I sat on the bed in front of him.

"Because he said he had a surprise and she didn't want to be rude. I just thought if I could pretend long enough, everything would work out fine." I said placing my head in my hands.

"You need to tell Paul." He said.

"I was afraid you were gonna say that." I said with a grin.

"So, Emily, I think Harry likes you." Liam said, laying back on the bed.

"Ya, too bad he is gonna hate me when I tell them. Besides, you have no idea how much I want to throw on my normal baggy clothes and hide."

"Why aren't you then?" He asked and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well, Jordan isn't a shy person and me, I love my little cave of loneliness." I said and he smiled.

"Well, I have a girlfriend and all, which you being a fan, know that. But you are very pretty and you shouldn't hide it." He said and I ginned. "We should go tell them." He said getting up and pulling me up with him. I sighed and grabbed my over-sized gray zip up and put it on.

"Well, I'm doing it in comfort." I said and he smiled. I put my glasses on after removing my contacts, which Jordan didn't need. Stupid her and her perfect vision.. and followed Liam downstairs. Paul looked up at me confused.

"Jordy, since when do you wear glasses?" Paul asked and I gulped.

"I-I'm not Jordan. M-My name is Emily Brown." I said and he look stunned. Then it went from stunned to pissed.

"Explain. NOW!" He said and I sighed, sitting in the chair and motioning for everyone to sit around me.


After telling them my story, Paul looked like a mix between Angry and confused. "Wait, So you are Emily?" Harry asked and I nodded.

"Well, I think that you and Jordan have a lot more explaining to do. Boys. Go pack. We are going to Texas." Paul said and I gulped. Liam still had my phone so I couldn't text Jordy a warning. 

"Emily, It is good to see you again, but Jordan could have just explained to mee that she had important stuff. I would have came to her." Paul said.

"But she didn't want you to be angry." I said and rested my head on my arms.

"I'm mad at both of you." He said and I frowned. "But, it was nice seeing you again Emily." I smiled and the boys came running downstairs. Liam had my suitcase and I smiled at him.


Harry sat next to me on my left and Zayn was on my right. I had my earbuds in and yawned. My eyes started drooping and my head rolled over to lean on Harry's shoulder. I sat straight up and sighed.  "Emily, It's okay if you lay on mine or Zayn's shoulder." Harry said and I shook my head. He sighed and lifted the arm rest. "Come on." He said and I sighed. I leaned against him and he wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into him and he clicked my music up a bit louder. I yawned and felt a kiss being placed on my head. I blushed and drifted off into sleep.


"Surprise?" I said to a shocked Jordan. We all walked in and Paul pointed towards my kitchen.

"Let's go find Em's room." I heard Lou whisper to Harry, but I was dragged into the kitchen before I could prevent anything.

"How did he find out?" Jordan asked looking over at me.

"Liam went through my phone." I said and she sighed.

"Why did you think you two could just switch places?" He demanded and I gulped.

"You see, I couldn't just not go and feel bad, but I couldn't leave my team behind." Jordan said and I raised my hand, hearing laughter coming from upstairs.

"Yes Em?" Paul asked and I cleared my throat.

"I already explained to you my side, can I go see what the boys are up to?" I asked and he nodded. I launched myself out of the kitchen and flew up the stairs. I was well aware my room was covered in One Direction and other posters. Mainly 1D though.

"Oh my god! Harry! Look at what she wrote all over her notebook!" I heard Lou say and I froze. He found the One Direction notebook. Only Jordan knows about that. I flung open the door to see Harry and Lou wearing my bras and thongs and Zayn wearing my sunglasses and my bowtie. Harry was reading THE notebook and Liam was filming it all. Niall emerged from the bathroom wearing my make-up.

"BUSTED!" Liam yelled and the boys tore pass me, heading downstairs.

"Dear Harry!" Harry started reading and I froze. Not the letter. "I know you are NEVER EVER going to read this, but if I ever get the chance, I wanted to tell you how awesome I think you are. If it wasn't for One Direction, I would have never had the courage to sing in front of Jordan. I know it is only one person but I could never do it before. So, thank you Harry. Love, Emily." Harry read and everyone stopped.

"You sing?" Niall asked and I shook my head no.

"It says so right here." Harry said walking towards me. They herded me back into my room and Liam handed me my guitar.

"Please?" He asked and I thought I was gonna die. I shook my head no for a second time and Niall smiled at me.

"Fine. Only if you guys put my stuff away and Niall, go wash your face hun. Those are NOT your colors." I said and they got to work. I sighed and picked up my guitar and sat on the bed. The boys sat on the floor in a semi-circle and I gulped. I closed my eyes and started strumming 'Blackbird' by The Beatles.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly," I started singing.


**Harry's POV**

I had my phone aimed at her and was recording her. Man was she gorgeous. And she liked me. She had it written all over the notebook. Emily Styles. Mrs. Emily Styles.  I smiled at her and she opened her eyes as she finished the song. I stopped recording and posted it on Youtube. I smiled at her. The boys started clapping and I just stood up and leaned in. I heard her gasp as I placed my lips on hers. I slowly melted into the kiss and I could tell she was un-winding. I moved the guitar off her lap and rested my hands on her waist. I pulled back and blushed. She opened her eyes and I watched as her eyes looked behind me. I turned to see the guys smiling and they all had there phones up like they took a picture. I turned back towards Em and she was blushing as red as her hair.  I smiled and grabbed her hand.

Now, to find out the perfect way of asking her out.

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