The Switch - [ A One Direction FanFic. ]

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Hey, guys. Peyton here. (:

Here's a new story that Court and I decided to try. It's a lot easier than the previous one we tried to write, so. Hopefully we'll stick with this one!

I hope you enjoy!!


"Underboob." Emily repeated, busting into a fit of laughter in the process. "Where do you come up with this stuff, Jordan?"

"Oh, come on, Em!" I said, throwing my hands into the air. "You can't tell me you never heard of underboob!"

Emily rolled her eyes at me and plopped down onto my bed, her cherry red hair splaying out onto my pillow. "I can't say that I have."

I was about to retort with something smart when my phone started blasting "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees, signaling it was a call rather than a text. Quickly checking the caller ID, I groaned. It was my Uncle Paul. I was supposed to go to his house for a couple of days to visit him, but I had a soccer tournament AND a gymnastics meet during those days that meant a lot to me. And as one of the two captains on my soccer team and all the effort my coach put into my gymnastics routine, I had a duty to be there.

When I tried to explain my tough situation to my mom, she wouldn't have it. Paul was her only brother and he loved me a lot, she said. I was his only niece, she later said, due to the fact that I was an only child. Even though I felt guilty, I couldn't leave my team empty handed. I was prepared to do anything to be able to go to my tournament and meet. Anything.

"Hello?" I answered the phone, but only after Emily hit answer and shoved the phone to my ear. I had wanted to ignore it.

"Jo! How are you, baby girl?" I grinned weakly at the nickname he gave me when I was a baby as I pictured him smiling wide on the other end of the phone. He wanted to see me so bad, I was well aware. It's not like I didn't want to see him too, because I did. I just couldn't.

Could I muster enough courage to tell him that I couldn't come, though?

"I'm fine, Uncle Paul. How're you?"

"Great!" He chirped. "I'm getting last minute preparations done for your visit in a few days! I can't wait to see you, Jo!" I took a quick second to admire his British accent, loathing over the fact that I couldn't be British as well.

My Mom, when she was 18, moved to America to attend college. In the eight years it took her to become a doctor, her British accent faded and she ended up falling in love with not only America, but my Dad as well. She got pregnant with me around the age of 21, putting a hault to her dream of helping people. Since my Dad was working all the time and she had school, there was no one to raise me. My Mom was about to drop out of medical school when her older brother, Paul, stepped forward. He spent countless amounts of hours with me, raising me, teaching me, caring for me. He was a second father to me and I loved him a lot.

I face-palmed. "It's just me, Uncle Paul. There's no need to go all out."

He chuckled on the other end as I mouthed 'help me' to Emily. She knew about my situation and was just as stumped as I was about what to do to solve my dilemma. She gave me a sympathetic look as she picked up the remote, turning my TV on, and flipping through the channels.

"Of course I do!" He said. "Besides, I got a surprise for you!"

"You do not." I groaned, causing Emily to look over at me quizically. I couldn't tell him that I wasn't coming now, not after he probably spent a lot of money on a surprise for me.

I watched as Emily stopped on a certain channel. "The Parent Trap!" She squealed, clapping her hands excitedly. "I love this movie!"

"I do." Uncle Paul laughed. "I know you don't like surprises, but I promise you'll love it!"

"I'm going to hurt you." I said jokingly, focusing on the TV. "But I gotta go, Uncle Paul. Emily needs me."

Em shot me a disapproving look because of my lie. I shrugged innocently, which resulted in an eye roll from her. She turned back to the TV, ignoring my innocent looks.

"Okay, Jo." Uncle Paul sighed. "I'll see you in a couple days, yeah?"

"Yeah." I breathed, raking my blonde hair back with my fingers. "Love you."

"Love you too."

I hit the end button and refocused on the TV. It only was only a few minutes into the movie when Emily turned to me, eyes wide, and a grin plastered on her face. It was kind of creepy, really.

"What?" I asked, grabbing a pillow and hitting her in the face with it, proceeding to toss it to the side.

She picked up the pillow, snacking me harder than I hit her, before setting it down. "Now, as I was about to say," She said as she raised her eyebrows at me. "I know what we can do to solve your problem."

I sat up, grin spreading across my face. She had my full attention now. "Are you serious?! Tell me!" I pressed, grabbing her hands in my own.

"Well, this might be a long shot," She said, biting her lip. "But, I could go to England and pretend to be you!"

I thought about it for a few minutes. It could work, of we tried hard enough. Emily already had the same face structure as I did, same color eyes. All we would have to do is say "I" died my hair. It's was perfect. I could stay at her house, since her dad was rarely home because of his work. "Em," I breathed. "You're a genius."

She smiled smugly. "I know."

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