Preference #1 how you met

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Stefan: Your Katerina's sister that no one knew about. You came to town cause your sister really pissed you off. You walked into the grill and saw the Salvatore. "Where is Katerina?" I growled. They looked at me like I was crazy. "Petrova? Pierce? What ever the hell name she is going by." I said. "Who the hell are you?" Damon asked. "Oh my bad let me introduce myself my name is y/n Petrova and my sister is Katerina Petrova " I said they looked shocked. "Question. Are you angry with your sister?" Stefan asked. "Oh I'm gonna ring her skinny little neck" I growled. "Well this is gonna be fun " Damon said sipping his bourbon.

Damon: I knocked on the door of the Salvatore house. A man with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes open the door. "May I help you?" He asked "I'm y/n Sommers. Is Elena here?" I ask. "Elena! So hot girl is here for you!" He said. This tall tan girl with long brown brown hair and chestnut eyes stood in the door way. "Hello" she smiled. "Hi my name is y/n sommers. I was put up for adoption when I was a baby. Jenna sommers is my mom." I say Elena and Damon look at each other's shocked. "Do you know her?" I asked "yes she is my aunt. It's none of my business but who is your father?" She asked "John Gilbert" I say. "That also makes you my half sister come in" she said I walk in. John Jenna shut up for five minutes someone needs to say something. " Damon says. He nods at me. "My name is y/n sommers and my parents names are Jenna Sommers and john Gilbert " I say they all look at me in shock well damn.

Klaus: you were walking down the street to go hang out with Caroline. When a vampire zooms in front of me. "You will not scream or run" It tried to compel but good thing I was using vervain. I kneed him in the stomach and punched him in the face. I started to run but he caught up to me. "Bad move" he said. "Is it?" A British voice asked. Then the vampire fell to the ground dead and there was a handsome man behind him. "Who are you?" I said cringing away from the dead body. "I am Klaus love" he smirked. He had a mischievous look in his eyes. I widen my eyes. Klaus. Klaus is after Elena. "Shit" I said I started to run. But he was in front of me. "Sorry love your coming with me little Elena needs to learn her lesson." He said. He throws me over his shoulder and ran.

Matt: I walked in to the grill and sat at the bar. I saw a blonde boy talking to Damon. "Bourbon" I said. "Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" The boy with the name tag Matt asked. "Aren't you a little young to be hanging out with vampires?" I asked Damon snapped his had towards me. "Y/n?" Damon asks. "Hello brother" I smirked. "Matt" I nodded and walked out the grill. Ah it's good to be back.

Tyler: I was at the party with my brother while Stefan was with Elena. I started walking out into the woods. When a see a boy pinning a girl to a tree making out. She started asking him to stop. But he wasn't. I went up to the boy and smack him in the back of the head hard. "Hey dick she asked you to quit." I said. "Thank you" Vicki said walking away. "Nice" he said. "I'm y/n Salvatore and your welcome." I said "Tyler" he said as he walked away.

Jeremy: I am walking to Elena's house. She left her phone at my house. I knock on her door. Me and her have been best friends since we were tiny. But still haven't met her brother. Maybe I will. I knocked on the door and Jenna answered the door. "Hey y/n Elena is upstairs" she smiled. "Thank you" I said walking up stairs. A boy slammed into me. I almost fell down the stairs but he grabbed me before I could fall. "Oh my god I am so sorry." He said. "It's alright I'm a little clumsy" I smiled. "I'm y/n" I continued. "Jeremy Gilbert" he smiled walking down the stairs. I smiled until he was gone. So that's Elena's brother.
(I have decided I'm not going to do Finn)

Elijah: you were standing in the library reading your favorite book again; pride and predjudice. When you looked up you saw a man in sharp suit next to you it caused you to jump back and drop your book. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he smiled. "Um it's alright" I said picking up my book. "Is that pride and predjudice?" He asked I nodded. "I have never found someone as interested in that book as me." He smiled "I have read it four times" I said. "Really?" He asked amused. "Really, I am not really a people person" I smiled.

Kol: I was at the grill playing pool with Elena and Bonnie. When a very handsome man came up. "Hey Elena . Witch. Who is this? she's a tasty little thing. " he smirked. "Go away Kol" Bonnie said. He already annoys me. Stupid fucking vampires. don't get me wrong I love my vampire friends to death no pun intended but some vampires are arrogant as hell. "Ok so all vampire men arrogant? I men Stefan is not included in this question" I said. "What makes you think I'm arrogant?" He asks. "The smirk, that fact that you call people tasty to there face, and the mischievous glint in your eyes" I say. "Kol" he says sticking his hand out. "Not interested" I smirking and shooting the ball in the hole. Elena and Bonnie giggle. But kol is sitting there glaring at me.

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