third period ; 11:25

548 25 3

you all are gonna hate me after this wow


If today was your last day, how would you spend it? If you knew that you would die and you wouldn't get another day, what would you do? Who would you spend it with? What would you need to say? For me, I knew who I wanted to spend mine with. I knew what I needed to say. I knew what I wanted to do. In truth, I didn't want to be thinking about my "last day". I hoped I was overreacting.

If it was my last day, it wouldn't matter that my phone had broke from the fall. The fall being when my phone slipped from my grasp after I read the text from Calum. If it was my last day, then I would do a lot and say a lot.

If it was my last day, I would visit my mom's grave. I would tell Joy that she was the best step mom anyone could ever ask for. I'd tell Cal that his brotherly instincts were on point and he did an awesome job. We never liked calling each other step brother or sister. It felt so impersonal. I'd tell my dad that he was a successful (part time) single parent and that he made my high school years a lot easier. I'd spend more time with Michael. I miss that kid so much right now.

I'd tell Chelsea that if her and Ashton didn't get married I'd haunt her for the rest of her life. I'd tell Ashton how much I appreciated him taking care of my best friend. I'd tell Aaron not to fuck so many girls. He's too good to just sleep around. I liked him too much for him to just turn out to be a shitty person. I'd tell Ian to man up and tell his dad to piss off. Ian's dad was probably the biggest douche bag I had ever met, and Ian was his father's polar opposite. And last but certainly not least, I'd talk to Luke. God where do I even start with that boy?

I'd start by telling him that though he can be a complete asshole, and sometimes all I want to do is punch him in the face, he's one of the best people I've ever met. I'd tell him everything I liked about him and why. If it wan't already obvious to him, I'd tell him about the crush I've had on him ever since 7th grade. Even when I was dating Aaron, I still liked Luke. It's the reason Aaron and I broke up. It all feels so cliche, and I hate cliches, but I can't change it.

I snapped out of my daze when I saw Luke picking up my phone. Before I could stop him, he read the message Cal had just sent. I was trying hard to contain my sobs, but when Chels snatched the phone from him and started crying herself, I lost it. Ian then took the phone from her. After reading the message, he stood up and started pushing his way to the front of the closet. I followed behind him and grabbed his arm just before he got out.

"You stopped me from doing this just last period. Why are you going now?" I whispered, still trying to decide whether I was stopping him or going with him.

"It's different now. I need to get him. My girlfriend is in the room next door. There's people that I care about out there, Q." He replied and kept walking. I shut the door behind me as I saw Luke and Chelsea standing up and walking out as well. I heard Ms. Grover saying something to the two of us, but I ignored her.

"Ian if you go out there, I'm going too." I said simply. He just shrugged and started walking for the door. I followed behind him, but we both stopped.

"Ian. Quinn. Where are you guys going?" Luke asked from the doorway of the closet. Chelsea stood behind him, and it was evident from the look on her face that she was more scared than ever.

"Luke you know where we're going." I mumbled, not being able to look at him.

"Yeah I do know where you're going; I was just hoping you guys aren't complete idiots." Ian groaned and turned to face Luke.

"Look man you don't get it. Gina's i-" Ian tried to explain, but Luke cut him off.

"No I do get it. My best friend is out in that hallway. My other best friend and the gi- they're going out into that hallway because they think they're going save people. Well let me tell you something. That's bullshit. I'm not ready to stand up at my friends' funerals and say 'It's a shame we only got 17-and 18- years with these amazing people', because you guys deserve so much more than just that. You guys are supposed to make things out of yourselves. You're supposed to go to college and get married and have kids and all that other stuff. You're not supposed to have your lives cut short by some psychopaths with guns." He yelled and started pacing. Chelsea and I were crying again and Ian was just kind of standind there with this defeated look on his face. Sure, I understood what Luke was trying to tell us, but quite frankly, Ian and I didn't care. I knew that in a little while, Ian and I would walk out of this classroom and go try and find the people we needed to find. I finally gathered some thoughts, along with the courage to look at Luke.

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