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Sounds funny right? How can "shyness" possibly pose itself as a destructive device? Well, funny doesn't always necessarily mean something that is hilarious or that causes you to laugh. Funny could also imply something strange, unusual, absurd or weird. Shyness being categorized as a Pleasurable Destructive Device could seem funny. But then again, this is true. Shyness could be destructive, as 'pleasurable' or simple as it may seem. When something seems pleasurable to do, in this context, it gives -you some kind of satisfaction or isn't deemed as something that calls for concern; it doesn't cause you to worry because you rather enjoy it as it gives you some kind of gratification.

Shyness in layman terms is a state of or the condition of being nervous or unable to face/ do something, which may be due to lack of courage, boldness, confidence or a high self-esteem. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, shyness is a noun derived from the adjective "shy"- it is tending to be nervous, uncomfortable and to avoid something because of nervousness, fear, dislike etc.

A shy person is easily frightened; sensitively diffident or retiring. Other synonyms of this condition include fainthearted, fearful, fearsome, mousy, scary, skittish, timid, timorous or tremulous etc.

A lot of people are laden with this syndrome that has limited their potentials and impeded them from maximizing a lot of opportunities that have their way. A shy person instead of seeing golden opportunities as stepping stones to success, would rather see them as discomforting platforms capable of exposing their weaknesses (shyness)- which he or she must have duly accepted as only a natural flaw or make-up of their being. So they'd prefer to lay back and shyly let it slide; even though such opportunity had been a long-awaited one- one that means the world to them.

Shyness could manifest in various forms and levels. While it's only natural or normal to feel shy in certain situations, some people pervasively experience a mild form of shyness and others, chronic shyness. However, it becomes worrisome when it begins to rid people off certain opportunities, prevents them from maximizing their potentials and becomes a prevalent part of one's life. Shyness is contrary to boldness. A shy person most often than not, won't be able to confront certain challenges in the public or face his/ her fears, even when they are right, capable or in the position to do so.
Shyness is classified as a destructive device because of the sordid impact(s) it has on its victims.

In most cases, this condition causes more harm than good. Many beautiful chances have slipped away from the hands and even lives of shy persons. This decapitates many a people's potentials and can deter one from fulfilling one's destiny maximally. Shyness is directly or indirectly connected to fear. Moses, one of the greatest personalities in the Bible that was used by God to perform great wonders & miracles, who saw God's presence which nobody else ever did during his time and who led the great Israelite nation, would have lost such a great privilege initially due to timidity (shyness). He had thought he was unfit to handle such a great task of delivering God's own people from the oppression of the then powerful Egyptian civilization, and told God He wasn't capable (Exodus 4). But it is God who actually qualifies the unqualified. No matter our flaws, shortcomings or how the world may underestimate us, we must never look down on ourselves or fear fulfilling that great purpose God has planned for us.

We mustn't allow shyness of timidity to limit us. It took the grace and Infinite mercy of God for Moses to accomplish his purpose, which was spectacular and which he did regardless of the speech impairment he had had. God strengthened and empowered him. Moses would have ended up being destroyed either not fulfilling his purpose or even doing so-when he chose to disobey God by not heeding to the exact instruction God gave to him to provide water for the murmuring people, albeit he did this not willingly, but from the pressure of the grumpy & rebellious congregation (which timidity can cause-, however, God saved him in the end from the destructive claws of Satan.
Read more of Moses encounters and the great signs and wonders God wrought during His time of leading the Israelites out of captivity to the Promised land, in the book of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

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