#2. FORNICATION (Premarital Sex)

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Whooh! This is one of the top trending weapons/ devices of mass destruction and God knows how many people have knowingly or unknowingly fallen victim of this luring trap. You all know this is one act that the Lord is strongly against; FOR-NI-CATION. Even if you do not know, now you know. Thank God for the illumination you're receiving. As funny as it sounds, the implications are ghastly and way beyond funny.
It has succeeded in ruining the lives of so many people; including champions and potential stars in the making. This is a major weapon or device the devil has craftily used to lure many people or souls into the bottomless pit of destruction. It has laid waste many destinies- of people young and old. It's no respecter of any age group that decides to stray or play into its enticing enclave of camouflage horror. Its repercussions are way beyond physical.

What is fornication? Oxford dictionary of English simply classifies fornication as a noun and its verb form- "fornicate" is a formal/ disapproving word, which means "to have sex with somebody that you are not married to."
Fornication is also generally referred to as pre-marital sex which is self-explanatory. Pre- as a prefix means before and marital in this context qualifies marriage, therefore it means to have sexual intercourse before marriage.

Sex on its own isn't a sin, crime or anomaly. However, the wrong intent, manner, timing and by whom it's done by could make it wrong and a sin. Sex in this context, becomes sinful when it's performed by unmarried persons- individuals who aren't legally ordained married.

A lot of people have sex for the wrong purposes. They are ignorant about the true values, significance and purpose of sex and so they are unable to fully maximize this divinely approved act. And as such, whenever they indulge in this act, it's with an erroneous thought-pattern, baseless belief and uncontrolled lustful desire they are desperate to satisfy and usually the victims or culprits end up feeling truly unsatisfied and with regrets.

Sex is really more than a male and female joining body to satisfy their urges stemmed up from an intense desire to feel loved or to give the body a momentary dose of high pleasure. It's beyond every possible pleasurable physical delight you think it has to offer. The Holy One who created man and woman did so for the best and purest reasons beyond imagination. He commanded the first man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. And you will also discover from certain portions of the Holy Scriptures where couples are admonished not to rid themselves off satisfying each other sexually.

God is strongly against we as his children defiling our bodies, which He regards as His Holy temple. Therefore, we are not to pollute it with sinful desires of lust. Sex is a sacred act that is ordained to be legitimately performed by two married couples for procreation and pleasure with the right intent.

Fornication is a huge sin that comes with a lot of destructive results. It has ruined so many lives, which is a strong evidence that it is truly not approved by the Most High God. Those who obey God have been promised blessings and long life. But when people choose to rather rebel against God by disobeying to satisfy momentary pleasures they can actually resist, most at times they pay dearly for this and their children innocently may suffer the consequences too.

Sex is not just a physical act of the sexual organs coming into close contact it's highly a spiritual act. This is predominantly a reason why unmarried persons must not engage in the act.
When two people- now I mean a male and female (I lay strong emphasis here, because sex was made by God to be between a man and woman, and not man-man or woman-woman which is bestial and evil) come in sexual contact with each other biologically a lot of things happen. For a female virgin, there's usually something unique that happens when she becomes known by her husband, her hymen is being broken. Scientifically, this has significance. When the hymen breaks, biologically, blood is being shed and this confirms the lady is a virgin. And it's being said, this gives the husband great joy he met his wife a virgin. But spiritually, which is the most important, something more than just the physical by-products that stems from such sacred act happens when there's contact with these bodily fluids, especially the blood. A covenant immediately is being formed between the two souls- there's a joining and this makes them become one. Different women who have had such experience have attested to the fact that they seem to be a strong force of connection to partners thay have had sexual relations with, especially consistently. And many others do not know how deep they've covenanted their souls or bodies with another.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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