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 After twelve long years of procrastination writing this book (not actually but it feels like it), I present to you: Chapter Eight! Readers beware, you're going to lose some hair. Enjoy!

"And with these three examples, I conclude our presentation," I said, smiling at the girls around me. "Thank you for listening to us."

Yuri clapped softly and enthusiastically and Natsuki rolled her eyes and imitated her, but with considerably less sarcasm than she would have used previously. It seemed the days she'd spent alone with Yuri had made her happier than before, especially since there was less to argue about.

Beside me, Sayori bowed dramatically, a large smile on her face. "Thank you for the honor of presenting for you today. I'd like to thank my stuffed animal, Mr. Cow - "

"Okay, so what are your thoughts on the presentation so far?" I asked Yuri and Natsuki, immediately cutting off Sayori before she could start listing the various items she was inevitably going to thank (ie: her duck plushie, her posters of 'cute anime boys and cute anime girls' above her bed that she'd gushed to me about during breaks while working at school, and probably even the restaurant delivery people who'd made countless stops at my house just to deliver Sayori a meal).

"I must say, even though you've only been working on this for a few days or so, it's coming together quite nicely," Yuri smiled, nudging Natsuki.

"Thanks, Yuri," I laughed. "I'm pretty sure you're the only one that thinks so, though."

Yuri shot a pointed look at Natsuki.

"Um. . . it's cool or whatever," Natsuki mumbled. "Good job, I guess."

"I'll take it," I decided. "Thanks to you too, Natsuki."

"I'm so excited to present this!" Sayori cheered, poring over everything our project required. "This is gonna be great!"

"I hope so," I agreed.

"You worked magnificently on this, and it would be quite disappointing if it wasn't received with a standing ovation when you finished," Yuri offered her hand for a high-five and Sayori complied, smiling widely. "Thanks, Yuri!"

"It was pretty sweet of you to use Monika for your examples," Natsuki admitted, letting Sayori give her a high-five, too.

"I just thought about what I loved and - besides [favorite food] - she was what came to mind," I shrugged.

"That's so adorable!" Sayori cooed. "When Monika gets back from work at the library, I'm telling her you said that!"

"Don't do that," I said. "Monika's the lovey-dovey one in the relationship. If you expose me, it'll cramp my style."

"But there's no style to cramp," Natsuki piped up, smiling mischievously. "You can't expose what's already been revealed upon first sight."

"Don't act all high-and-mighty, Natsuki," Sayori chided. "You're a big softie, too! Don't make me tell Yuri what you said when - "

"That's classified information!" Natsuki yelled, interrupting Sayori, red-faced. She looked like a small beet had grown arms, legs, and an attitude.

"Anyways," I cleared my throat, hoping I was avoiding a confrontation rather than egging one on, "Sayori and I have a few problems to fix before we finish this project completely. We're going to my room to finish up. Can I trust you two with dinner?"

"Trust me? With dinner?" Natsuki laughed incredulously, impending fight with Sayori forgotten. "Go work on your project before I punch both of you."

I saluted her, grabbing the supplies Sayori and I needed and marching out of the room.


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