bonus: natsuki and yuri cook a meal!

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The bonus I talked about earlier that's a sort of filler before the next - and final - chapter (not including the epilogue). I also want to drag out the cliffhanger from Chapter Eight if you're reading this before I publish the last two bits (that I plan to do, at least). 

Before I say my typical "enjoy!", I have another question: would any of you be interested in me creating a Discord? I know everyone does it now, but I think it'd be fun to run a Discord and talk with some of you. 

Warning: Me guessing favorite foods because the Amino thread I searched for is gone :') Also, heavy Natsuri. If you don't enjoy content about that ship: leave, I guess? 

Anyhow (here it comes), enjoy! 

"Okay!" Natsuki announced, grabbing a notepad and fishing a cute pink pen she'd stolen from Y/N's junk drawer out of her skirt's pocket. She plopped down on a chair at the dining room table, tapping the pen on her chin.

"What's that for?" Yuri asked, sliding in beside her and peeking over her shoulder.

"I was thinking of preparing a nice-ish meal since Y/N and Sayori have been working so hard on that project. Plus, Monika has been working at the library to pay for our online school," Natsuki said, confidence weaning as she continued. "I want to make something nice to thank Monika and congratulate Y/N and Sayori on how cool their project is turning out." Her face slightly flushed as she realized the compliments she'd unintentionally paid to her friends. "For a school project, I mean!"

"That's very sweet, Natsuki," Yuri smiled, patting her shoulder. "Good idea."

Natsuki flinched at the contact, though the pink that appeared on her cheeks gave away that her nerves seemed to be based on something other than her jitters from living with her father. 

Natsuki swallowed, and continued. "Anyway, we need to decide on a meal plan. I was thinking a dinner with a main dish, two sides, and a dessert. The main dish'll be [favorite food but vegetarian-ised if it includes meat] for Y/N, a side salad for Monika, a side of sushi for you, and chocolate cookies after for Sayori."

"Do we have the ingredients here?" Yuri asked, glancing at the fridge. 

"We have the basics, like eggs, milk, flour," Natsuki listed, looking at her paper. "But there's a few things we'll need to get for more complicated dishes like the sushi."

"Well, we have twenty dollars apiece from Monika and Y/N," Yuri said. "Do you think that forty will suffice?"

Natsuki was quiet for a moment, adding up costs in her head, before smiling. "It'll be just enough."

Yuri smiled, grabbing an eco-friendly grocery shopping bag Monika had gotten for Y/N. "Perfect."


"Wow, look at this!" Natsuki exclaimed for what seemed like the billionth time. They were in an expensive supermarket a few blocks from Y/N's house, as Natsuki had been drawn to photo advertisements of pricey baking equipment that were displayed on their walls. "I only cook with the best," Natsuki had insisted as she'd taken Yuri's hand and dragged her into the store.

Now, Yuri was the one doing the dragging. "Natsuki, come on. We have to hurry if we're going to finish the meal in time."

"Fine, fine," Natsuki grumbled, before another display caught her eye, and her face lit up. "But -"

"No buts," Yuri said firmly, taking Natsuki's hand and steering her in the direction of the grocery aisles.

As they made their way through the baking section for some sort of fancy sugar Natsuki wanted to garnish Sayori's cookies with, she realized that Yuri was still holding her hand. Face warm, she looked up at Yuri, meeting her violet eyes.

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