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Queen Victoria was pregnant with their third child, a girl. She sat on the couch, reading a massive book about Greek mythology. Hades their eldest son wasplaying with his two year younger brother, Ares, in front of the fireplace. Victoria was obsessed with Greek mythology, that's why she named her kids after Greek Gods. Hades: the king of the underworld and god of the death. It suited the seven-year-old boy in some ways. As the heir to the throne, he was a real trouble maker, but with a heart of gold.
Ares is known as the Olympian god of war, battle lust, courage and civil order. Ares was a rule follower at heart quite the opposite of his brother Hades, but still the two boys where the best of friends. The wind howled fiercely and rain poured from the sky. Each drop splashing against the ground, creating puddles that quickly merged into little streams racing down the hills. Thunder echoed through the air, each rumble as loud as a cannonball blast, shaking the ground with its force. The lightning that accompanied lit up the darkened sky, casting eerie shadows and illuminating the chaotic scene below.

'Mommy when does our little sister come?' Hades asked, his excitement barely contained 'Yeah!' Ares exclaimed, bouncing on his toes. 'When does she come mwommy?' Both were over excited to have a little sister. Victoria looked up from her book, her heart swelling with love for her two boys. She adored them more than anything,

'I don't know my darlings,' she began, a smile on her lips. 'she will come when-' her sentence trailed off as she clutched her stomach, a sharp pain interrupting her words

'Mommy what's wrong?' Hades asked, his eyes wide with worry. The little boy knew something was wrong. Victoria managed to gasp out, 'Hades, go and get daddy.'

Hades nodded urgently, understanding the seriousness of his mothers words. he turned on his heel and sprinted out of the living room. Moments later he returned with King Charles and two doctors in tow.

'Charles,' Victoria cried out, relief flooding her voice as she saw her husband. 'What's wrong, my love?' Charles asked, concern etched on his face. 'She's coming,' Victoria whispered. Charles immediately grasped the situation. 'We need to get her to the hospital wing, there is no time to stall! Her blood pressure is getting high,' said one of the doctors urgently. 'I will take her.' Charles gently lifted his wife into his arms, carrying her in bridal style. 'Everything is going to be okay, my love,' he whispered reassuringly in her ear.

Two hours later Queen Victoria laid on her king-sizeze bed in her room, cradling their newborn daughter. A thin streak of the full moonligt shone through the window, casting gentle glow on the little princess. Ares and Hades lay beside their mother, watching and admiring their new baby sister. 'What's her name? What's her name?' Hades asked eagerly, his eyes sparking with happiness. Victoria looked out the window, then back at her family. 'What about Artemis?' she suggested softly. 'Goddess of the hunt'  hummed Charles. 'And the moon,' added Victoria looking at the full moon out the window. 'That is brilliant my love. A beautiful name for our little oddess.'

'Boys, meet your baby sister Artemis.' The little girls fluttered open.

'She is so pretty mommy,' Ares said, and it was true. The little princess had big blue eyes, just like her mother and brothers.

'Can I hold her mommy? Pretty please momm, can I?' Hades asked , his face full hope. Victoria looked at her eldest son and smiled. 'Of course you can Hades, but be careful. I will show you how to hold her darling.

'I want to whold mwy sissy to,' Ares cried.

Victoria carefully placed Artemis into Hades' arms. He smiled down at his little sister, cradling her gently. He was very careful, feeling protective over the baby in his arms. It was in that moment that Hades swore to himself that he would protect his sister no matter what.

'You can carry your sister after Hades,' Charles said, picking up Ares and placing him on his lap. 'Now come to daddy.'

That was the day that princess Artemis Elizabeth Mathilda Helena Windsor was born.

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Edited: 29/07/2024

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