Chapter 13

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Remus took it rather well when Artemis explained everything

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Remus took it rather well when Artemis explained everything. A part of him still couldn't believe it. He had always known about the powerful influence of the Royal family in England, but the idea that they could be wizards was something he never could have imagined.

The revelation felt surreal. He had heard about influential magical families, like the Blacks, but the idea that the British Royal family was part of that world was a jarring twist. Remus knew how much weight and secrecy surrounded the monarchy, the mysterious death of the heir five years ago. Whispers of tragic had spilled the news, with rumours of dark forces had been involved. No one had seen the princess since her brothers death, and the muggle media had speculated endlessly about her whereabouts, spinning tales of royal retreats, secret illness, or even exile, or maybe no-one was death? 

But there she was. Artemis.

To think that the Royal family of England were also part of the magical community added a new layer of complexity to they way Remus viewed the magical community and its intersections with the Muggle world. Artemis had clarified that the Royal family operated independently from the Ministry of Magic. That they had their own set of responsibilities, influence, and power distinct from the traditional magical governance.

What struck Remus most was how only a handful of people knew the truth about the Royal families magical lineage. He was reliefed knowing that he could talk about it to James, who was also aware of the truth. It was astonishing how this secret had been kept. The fact that this secret was preserved so effectively spoke volumes about the lengths to which influential families, even those outside the traditional magical lineage, went to maintain their privacy. 

After two days in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey  finally gave her approval for both Artemis and Remus to leave. Artemis felt a wave of relief wash over her as she stepped out of the wing's door, breathing in the fresh air.

The sterile, quiet atmosphere of the hospital wing had left her restless, and though she had appreciated the chance to rest and recover, she had felt confined, her mind spinning with everything that had happened.

Chris, on the other hand, was almost reluctant to leave her side. His protective nature had him hovering, and he seemed to have difficulty tearing himself away from her. Despite her reassurances and attempts to convince him, he remained worried. Eventually, with a mix of stubbornness and understanding, Artemis managed to persuade him to attend his classes, Reminding him that she would be fine and that he needed to keep up with school work.

Sirius didn't like the way he hovered over Artemis. It irritated him in a way he couldn't quite put into words. He told himself it wasn't jealousy. It couldn't be. But something about the way Christopher acted around her made his stomach twist. Sirius didn't understand why he has to be so close all the time. 

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