Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 ~Reunited~

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Chapter 3 ~Reunited~

Artemis left her brother in the garden and headed towards the hall, where her mother awaited.

'Hey mum, where is dad?' Artemis asked. 'I thought he would come?'

'I'm sorry, darling,' Queen Victoria said, her voice tinged with regret. 'He had a last-minute meeting that couldn't be prospered. It is very important.' Victoria walked over and hugged her daughter tightly. 'Don't be das. Your father loves you very much.' 'I know he does,' Artemis said With her mother's reassurance, Artemis felt a bit more at ease. They apparatus to King's Cross Station in London, where the hustle and bustle of commuters filled the air. Victoria maneuvered Artemis's trunk onto a trolley and guided her toward platform nine and ten.  A few feet behind them royal guards were disguised as 'normal' Englishmen, trying to blend in.

'So how do we get onto the platform?' Artemis asked, her curiosity evident. 'It's simple,' Victoria explained. 'You walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop, and don't be scared you will crash into it.

Together, they walked towards the barrier. In an instant, they were on the other side. The Hogwarts Express, a scarlet steam engine, was waiting, surrounded by the clamor of travellers and the occasional hoot of owls. A sign above read 'Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.'

Victorias's eyes filled with tears as she hugged her little girl one last time. 'I'm going to miss you so much.' 'I will too, mum,' Artemis replied., trying to hold back her own tears. 'You're growing up so fast. I see so much of myself in you darling. You will do great!' Victoria said, her voice breaking. 'I love you darling. Write me a letter when you are settled in. I want to hear everything. Be brave my little girl.' 'I love you too. I will write,' Artemis replied. With a final wave, Artemis boarded the train/

Artemis pressed on through the crowded train, searching dor an empty compartment. As she walked, the students chatting in the hallway felt silent, their eyes following her curiously. She definitely didn't look like a first-year student, and her confident stride hinted at a story they were all eager to uncover. The Attention didn't bother Artemis, but it did make her a bit nervous.

After a while, Artemis found a compartment with a single boy sitting inside, lost in thought. She slowly slit the door open. The boy looked up, his dark eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of her. The boy had never seen her before, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was.

'Um, may I sit her.' she asked, pointing at the seat opposite him. 'Everywhere els is full.' He scrutinised her for a moment before nodding. 'Go ahead'

Artemis sat dawn, studying him for a moment. He had sharp features and dark hair? 'I'm Artemis Rowan.'

'Regulus Black,' he replied shortly, before returning to his book. ' What are you reading?' Regulus glanced down at his book, then back at Artemis, slightly surprised by her interest. Normally students didn't talk to him, definitely not pretty girls. He showed her the cover. 'It's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wild.' Artemis's eyes lit up. 'I love that book! Wilde has such a fascinating and captivating way of writing.' Regulus's guarded expression softened a bit. 'It's one of my favourites too. I find the character of Dorian both intriguing and tragic. Artemis nodded eagerly. 'Absolutely.' Regulus closed the book slightly, his interest piqued. ' Do you read a lot of Muggle literature.'

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