what will Soul say????

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Kid: Soul. Maka wants to see you.

Soul: Well I don't want to see her.

Kid: What? Why?

Soul: It's none of your business. So don't worry about it.

Kid: Well if it has to do with my girlfriend I do need to worry about it.

Soul: What do you mean your girlfriend?

Kid: Me and Maka are dating now so if you're mad at her I need to know why.

Soul: If you and her are dating go ask her and tell her I'm not going to go see her.

Kid leaves.

At the infirmary-

Kid: Maka why is Soul mad at you?

Maka: Cause he sorta asked me out but I turned him down and he freaked out. He was yelling, screaming, and he tried to hurt me but I'm a weapon so it doesn't matter.

Kid: Wait Soul tried hurting you!? Did he hurt you? If he did I'm going to kill him Death scythe or not.

Maka: Kid calm down I took care of him.

Kid: Maka if you took "care" of him he would be in this infirmary bed next to you not walking around.

Maka: I know Kid.

Kid: No you don't Maka! Soul still has black blood and madness in him if someone pushes his buttons he could hurt you and this time I won't be there to get you to Stine.

Maka: Kid you won't need to take me to stine . You'll have to take soul .

Kid: Why would I bring soul here . He could just stay there and die .

Maka: KID !!! He's still my best friend you could put him through pain but don't put me through it too.

Kid: How could you still be best friends with him after he tried hurting you !

Maka: Because he was still my weapon at some point .

Kid: If I was in your position he would be dead by now .

Maka: Okay Kid if Liz or Patty tries hurting you I can kill them too .

Kid: That doesn't apply to Liz or Patty.

Maka: How come that's so unfair !

Kid: Its not unfair !

Maka: Yes it is ! How come you get to kill my weapon but I can't hurt yours if they hurt you !

Kid: Maka you're not gonna fight me on this . It's fair and that's final !

Maka: Its not final . I still have a say in the matter !

Kid storms out of the infirmary and slams the door behind him

Maka: ahhhhh! (Throws pillow at door )

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