Apologie excepted

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Kid left the Death Room thinking about what his father said. The walked to the infermary and knocked on the door. He walked in to see Maka all alone laying on her bed reading a book.

Kid: Maka can we talk? 

Maka looked up and put her book down.

Maka: Sure.(Kid sits on the bed) I'm sorry Kid I sorta over reacted.

Kid: No Maka I over reacted. Soul is your weapon and I won't touch him unless you tell me to.

Maka: And I won't hurt Liz or Patty unless you tell me to. 

Kid: What are you reading?

Maka: I wasn't reading I was writing.

Kid: I didn't know you wrote stories.

Maka: I don't I write poems.(Picked up her book and starts to read a poem.)

Kid: Are you going to read one to me?

Maka nodded.

Maka: I'll stop loving you when diamonds never sparkle & flowers cease to grow. When thunder never echos & rivers don't flow. When hearts no longer wonder & hands are never held. When smiles are only memories & hope is never felt. When trees no longer blossom &n stars rfuse to shine. When God alone commands me then I'll stop loving You.

Kid: That is really nice did you write that?


 Kid: How long until you get out of here?

Maka: I don't know but itneeds to be soon Stien keeps scaring me nd saying that he will disect me if I don't stay still when he puts the needle in my arm.

Kid: Well when you get out do you wanna hang out?

Maka: Sure....

Srry this is so short I'm going crazy with other stories, my life, and I hit writers block for this story so it's gonna be awhile untill I write more but I'll keep updating all of my stories or at least try..

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