I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back. Andy fucking Biersack was kissing me. Holy fuck. He pulled away and looked at the ground.
"Sorry" he said.
"For what?" I asked.
"Well...that" he said.
"There's nothing to be sorry for" I said biting my lip.
He smiled at me.
"I better go, unfortunately" I said. I got out the car and watched him drive off.
As soon as I got inside, I felt a slap across my face.
"What the fuck was that for?!" I yelled as I held my cheek in pain.
"Leaving without our permission" my aunt said.
"You don't care about me so what's the point in asking for anything, you always say no" I screamed. I got another slap, this time causing my lip to bleed.
I ran up to my room in tears. I could hear my uncle and aunt laughing which made me cry even more. I don't understand why I deserve this. it's not fair. So I spent the night crying myself to sleep while holding onto the necklace Andy gave me.
The next morning I woke up and looked in the mirror. my makeup was smeared and my lip was slightly swollen. I had a shower and washed my makeup off. then I put on a little bit of mascara and got changed into some denim shorts, skull tank top, doc martins and my necklace from Andy.
I headed downstairs and my uncle started screaming at me again. After a while i'd had enough.
"Why do you hate me so much? what have I ever done to you?" I screamed as my aunt came in.
"You were born that's what you did. If my idiot of a brother and his whore of a wife didn't get into a car accident, we would've been fine. you've ruined our lives and I don't want to see your hideous face ever again" my aunt yelled.
"Fine I'll leave then. you'll never see me ever again" I screamed.
"Thank god" my uncle laughed as I ran upstairs. I packed all my things into a suitcase I had hidden under my bed while tears were streaming down my face. Once I had packed as much as I could, I ran downstairs while dragging the suitcase behind me.
"Not so fast" my uncle said and he slapped me across the face.
After a 10 minute beating, I ran outside and sat on my suitcase outside my house. I scrolled through my phone and called the one person I knew would help me. Andy.
"Andy can you come and get me from my house?" I asked sobbing.
"Of course Blaze, whats happened?" He asked in a worried tone.
"I'll tell you in person"
"Okay I'll be there soon"
Sure enough, 10 minutes later, Andy's car pulled up. I put my suitcase in the back and then sat in the passengers seat.
"Blaze what happened to you?!" Andy said as he saw all the bruises on my arms and my split lip. I told him everything and ended up crying uncontrollably. He pulled me into a hug while I sobbed into his shirt.

My Fallen Angel
FanfictionBlaze hates her life. Living with her aunt and uncle makes everyday a struggle. Until a chance meeting with none other than Andy Biersack. Will they be friends, or something more?