Lai Guanlin

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I hold my phone with both my hands waiting for it to ring but nothing is happening. I sigh putting my phone down on the table.

"Where is he?" I groaned in frustration lifting my hands to mess my hair.

"(Y/N)-ah, we'd have to do your hair again if you keep on doing that." The stylist stopped me from touching my hair.

I groaned again and ran out of the waiting room searching for Guanlin. That guy, it will be the end of him once I find him.

I looked here and there but still couldn't find him. How can such a tall guy be hidden so well?

"(Y/N)-ah." I tilted my head to see who was calling for me.

"Guanlin is waiting for you in his waiting room." Guanlin's manager informed me.

I nodded and went down the stairs to the floor where they are shooting the commercial for a drama that stars Guanlin as the main character.

"Lai Guanlin!" I shouted bursting into the room. 

"What do you want?" He asked looking up from his script papers.

"What do you mean 'what do I want?'?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"I heard that you've been searching for me since this afternoon. There's so many missed calls." He plainly said.

"I've been searching for you, wanting you to be here for me and that's all you're gonna ask? What do I want?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"Why're you getting so upset about this? I was working. I didn't miss your calls because I was doing nothing." He looked at me with a very stern face.

"How can you be so insensitive?" I slammed the door as I walk out.

He couldn't care less about what happened to me earlier this morning. I could've been in the hospital by now if it wasn't for that kind man and the group of highschool boys.


I walk alone without my manager since he went out earlier with the van to get some things ready for my photo-shoot. I was taking my phone out to make a call when a woman walked past me.

She looked down on her phone not noticing my figure standing there and she accidentally bumped into me. Not even bothering to look back or apologize, she continued walking.

I lost balance and almost fell onto the road before someone grabbed my arm. I huffed a relief sigh and bowed to the man thanking him. 

After treating the man to breakfast and giving him my autograph for his daughter, I called for my manager to pick me up but he was stuck in a traffic jam.

I continued to walk and an unknown guy walked beside me. I was a feeling a little suspicious but I ignored the feeling until he suddenly grabbed my bag.

He tried to pull it away from me but I held it tight. Then, a group of 5 highschool boys came to my rescue.

2 of them pulled the guy away from me as another 1 called for the police. The other 2 made sure that I was okay.

"Are you that model (Y/N)?" 1 of them asked after the whole incident was settled.

I smiled and nodded since I was wearing a mask so it would be hard for them to hear me if I spoke. My manager finally arrived and I sent the boys off to school to thank them. 

After that series of unfortunate incidents, I arrive at my destination safely.

-End of flashback-

I walk back into my waiting room with dried tears on both my cheeks. I ignored all the questions and fixed myself up for my photo-shoot.

After the photo-shoot, I had to attend an event with the actor Hong Jonghyun for our upcoming project together and I have a meeting with my agency right after.

5 hours later, I am on my way to the SBS building for an interview for my reality show that is coming out in a few days. Finally after all of that was done, I got to rest for a bit in the van while on my way home. 

I unlock the door to the 2-storey house I just bought a week ago and walked straight to my room to wash up. I wore a pair of short shorts and a big tee pulling my hair into a messy bun.

As I was watching tv, there was a knock on my door. I got up and unlocked the door to see who it was. Guanlin was standing on my doorstep with a small pink bag in hand.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes repeating his sentence.

"(Y/N)-ah, I'm so sorry." He said with a pair of puppy eyes.

"Just go home." I said and shut the door.

"I'm not leaving." He shouted from the other side of the door.

I sigh and ignored him walking back to the couch to continue watching tv. An hour later, I was getting sleepy and was going to go to my room when I remembered Guanlin.

I opened the door and there he was still standing holding the pink bag. I rolled my eyes again and moved aside signing him to come in.

He smiled cutely and went in making me smile as well. I closed the door and we sat on opposite sides of the couch facing each other.

"Can you please come closer." Guanlin patted in the space near him on the couch.

I slide closer but still left some space between us. It was silent until Guanlin finally spoke.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you for no reason earlier. I was just a bit stressed." He put his hand on my head and softly caressed my hair.

"The Korean scripts are too hard for you to read?" I unconsciously made a joke which made us both laugh.

"Yah!" He laughed pulling me in between his legs.

He rested his head on my shoulders and his legs surround my whole body locking me in his hug. I messed his hair and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

"You were so mean." I pouted turning my whole body to face him.

My legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry. I heard what happened from your manager." He pecked the tip of my nose.

He pulled me into a tight hug before standing up and walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you taking me?" I giggled holding on tight to make sure that I don't fall.

"Let's go to sleep." He yawned.

"Let me see what's in that bag first!" I pointed to the pink bag on my coffee table.

"Ahh, I almost forgot." He took the bag and we went into my bedroom.

We sat together on the bed as I look inside the bag. There was a box inside and I took it out to see what's inside.

In the box was the music box I saw in an antique shop I went with Guanlin. I opened it and soft piano-like music started playing.

I hugged him and thanked him for remembering how much I wanted this music box since it reminded me of the one I had when I was little. We left the music box open on my bedside table and cuddled to sleep.


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