Kang Daniel

667 21 12

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I asked the boy on the other end of the line.

"I- uhhhh." He paused.

"Speak up, I don't have the entire day for you." I spat.

"How could you say that (y/n)?! To me?"


"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come along later."

"Where to?"

"That board game cafe in Hongdae." I heard him munching on something as he spoke.

"You better treat me to some food for getting my ass off the bed for you." I sat up on the bed.

"We will be there too!" I heard Woojin and Jihoon shouting from the background.

"I thought you have to go to the academy today?"

"Oh yeah." Jihoon sighed and Woojin laughed at his best friend.

"Woojin-ie, you have dance class today." I reminded the boy.

"(y/n) you're such a mom." Jihoon chuckled as Woojin and him went away.

"It'll just be me, you and Daniel then." Seongwoo shrugged.

We hung up and I just sighed throwing myself back onto the bed to lay down again when I got a text.


From: seongwoo 💩
you better not be laying back down

To: seongwoo 💩
i hate you


I rolled my eyes as I drag my body off of the bed. I took out a pair of jean shorts and my pastel pink pullover setting them on the side of the bed.

After showering, I dried my hair and pulled them up into a messy bun. While blasting Pentagon's latest song 'Naughty Boy', I applied some light make up before putting on the clothes I've set aside.

A few minutes after skippkng down the stairs, Seongwoo called me and told me that he's arrived to pick me up. I took my bag and rushed into the car.

Daniel was sitting in the seat beside the driver so I sat at the middle in the backseat. Seongwoo drove while we talked about a lot of stuff but Daniel was silent the whole time.

When we arrived at the cafe, we bought our drinks and sat at the empty table. I picked out some games to play and the three of us agreed to play Jenga first.

"If the tower crashes, the person has to tell a truth!" Seongwoo clapped his hands as he announced.

"Deal." Daniel and I nodded.

We started playing and I happen to knock the tower down.

"Tell us a truth (y/n)." Seongwoo grinned.

"I love you." I said looking straight ahead but it was actually meant for Daniel, my crush.

"I love you too best friend!" Seongwoo who was sitting next to me, slid his chair closer to mine to hug me.

I just smiled and hugged him back before pinching him on the thigh. He knows about my crush on Daniel but I swear this kid isn't helping at all.

"Can we continue with the game?" Daniel spoke.

"I want to get more drinks. You two stack the jenga tower." Seongwoo patted my head.

I turned to Daniel and shrugged as we both started to gather the fallen jenga blocks before rebuilding the tower. I was talking to Daniel about the dance institute he's teaching in when he spoke of a different topic.

"Are you and Seongwoo a thing now?" He asked.

"No." I laughed.

"You shouldn't be so sweet to each other. People might get the wrong idea."

"Everyone knows me and him are best friends."

"People are friends before they become something else."

"Are you jealous because I'm closer with him now?" I smirked.

Daniel and I have been close since we were in middle school. When we got into high school, both of us weren't in the same class anymore so I grew closer to my seatmate Ong Seongwoo.

Coincidentally, Daniel and Seongwoo knew each other from the dance institute. Through them, I became friends with 9 more other boys.

"No. Why would I be jealous?"

I just shrugged at his question and continued rebuilding the jenga tower.

"I'm jealous because my crush is so close to another guy." I choked.


"I'm not saying it again."

"You have a crush on Seongwoo?! Not that I'm against gay rights but you like Ong Seongwoo? Do you know how annoying-"

"Why would I like him? I like you (y/n)!" Daniel spoke cutting off my sentence.


"How are you so oblivious? Me and Seongwoo? Even if I'm gay, I'd never like thay guy. He's too hyper." Daniel laughed at my blank expression.

"Why do you like me?"

"Can't I?"

"You can." I quickly replied.

"So, I'll continue liking you."

"So, you're not going to ask me to be your girlfriend?" I shamelessly asked.

"I don't know...... I wouldn't really want my girlfriend to go around with her guy best friend making people think they're a couple."

"What's going on here?" Seongwoo came back with 2 cups of soda.

"He can go away."

"I'm just joking! You can still be best friends."

"Can someone explain?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Daniel looked at me straight in the eye.

"Yes!" I grinned and sat beside my boyfriend.

"You two are finally together?"

"Let's go somewhere shall we jagiya?" Daniel asked intertwining our fingers.

"Sure!" I nodded as we stood up and walked out of the board game cafe.

"Yahh! Don't leave me here!" Seongwoo yelled taking his drinks to follow us.


that was so lame omg..... but I hope you liked the update! after so long... excuse the mistakes if there are any because I gtg

I missed you all so much but my braincells are fried. i'm supposed to be studying right now tbh hahahahaha

I still have 3 more papers for my finals and then finals month is over! ayyeeeee

I might be able to come back for real then 😝

thanks for reading!
I love you! 💜

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