Jimmy and the друг

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(It's been a long time since I wrote this. My brother transitioned and named himself Jimmy so I felt uncomfortable writing a story with the same name. I'm going to make this character change his name to something else so my brain doesn't confuse them and also its funny. Also I realize how cringe this is. But I thought, hey, my middle school self was weird and thought it was funny. Might as well finish it for her. I wasn't a very good writer though so be prepared for an adult trying to recreate a 12 year old's sense of humor and writing style.)

 Annabelle, Nyan cat and I crashed into the thick jungle. The large trees covered our location, but also the sky, creating a thick shadow over the ground. Nyan cat scraped across the ground picking up dirt

"Mrowrrr.." Nyan cat groaned.

"No! Nyan cat, are you okay??" I exclaimed.

Annabelle got up and brushed off her dirt covered dress, "Why, thank you Jimmy! I am okay! I appreciate you asking me before the sentient meme!"

I couldn't pay attention to her though, Nyan cat was top priority.

I fell to the ground beside them, holding their limp body and caressing their grey fur. A singular tear fell down my cheek and hit their crumbled pop tart body. "You were my favorite meme as a kid!"

"Mew." I'm okay, child. It is my mere mortal form that is injured.

Huh??? Nyan cat's disembodied voice was speaking into my thoughts!

Suddenly Nyan cat started hovering and glowing. I hope you find your way home sweet summer child.

"Thank you for everything Nyan cat! I'll never forget you."

Nyan cat's body glowed brighter until light exploded and sparked in different directions,

Leaving my hands open and hovering where they used to be.

"Oh meme... is... is he dead?" I announced, lifelessly.

"What- No. They just went home. Also not a He."


Annabelle grabbed my hand and took me deeper into the swinging vines and dark brush. "Slow down!" I was struggling not to trip over the tree roots and tall grass.

"We need to hurry to shelter before it gets dark. We've lost Waffle cat, but there's not just that dead meme to worry about." Annabelle monologued.

I'll be honest, I started to slip focus. I wanted to pay attention, I did! But she was sooooo boring. And the jungle was humid and unforgiving.

 I know when I stop paying attention, that's when bad things happen, especially when I don't focus on Annabelle. But while being aware of the problem might be the first step, I was still a long ways away from learning my lesson.

We carried on through the jungle until it started to get dark. I don't know if you've ever been in a jungle while it's night, but things get dark pretty fast. The trees covered any 'stars' there might have been and the sky was pitch black. I could barely hear Annabelle in front of me, let alone feel for the branches and creatures that could trip me up in the night.

The only thing i knew for a fact was Annabelle's hand grabbing tightly to mine.

Eventually we could make out a faint light in the distance.

"Yes! Shelter." She sped up which made it impossible for me NOT to trip. She could phase through objects... me? Not so much. I guess I was too fresh of a ghost...

Bonk! I let go of her hand and fell on my face. My heartbeat quickened. "Annabelle?? Hello?"

I couldn't see or hear her...

But I did hear something... perhaps...


And an ominous hum sounded.

To be continued (why did i use this so much?)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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