Chapter 1: Running and Bad news

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All of Ross's happy days ended when he had to go. He left Laura ( his wife) and his kids ( 3 years  old, almost 4 and not born yet)  alone. He waited until after the midnight and ran out of his own home. He was drank, because he was angry and mad about his first son's death, but he forgot about Ryan( his second son) and about Laura. 

Let's begin with the bigining....

Ross was crying... His first borned kid was killed when he was crossing the street, smashed by a car. He was never so mad and upset. His brothers and sister were there, trying to make Raura happier.

Ryland: Guys, you are waiting for a kid in five weeks! Do not be sad!

Raura:thanks for trying, Ryland, but anything can make us happy now.

Ross's pov :

I knew that the single thing that could make me happier was eating or drinking, So I got drunk. Laura came to me and said kindly:

-Rossy, what are you doing with that bottle of wine in your hand? You aren't sleepy?

But I answered very loud and I scared her... She freaked out by me and she was crying.

Ross : Laura I'm so sorry...

Laura: You are drunk... I can't have trust in you now. Go away until you are back to normal.

Ross: I am the normally me! I yelled back.

She looked at me like I was crazy and she was right. I went outside and I thought what to do now, to win her trust again.

Laura's pov :

I couldn't trust him again after he made me cry. But I needed to help him go through what happened to our son. I was mad too, but I've never be drunk. I went outside to search for Ross, but I couldn't find him. I started calling his name, with low voice at the beginning. But, Ross didn't come, so I started to call his name louder and louder, until I gave up. I went back in the house and I cryed, until it was morning. At the beginning, I thought that I was dreaming, but I realized that I wasn't.

- Ross, are you back home?

No answer.


It was a complete silence. No one was in the house, just me. I was thinking that he went to Calum (Ross's best friend). I called Calum.

Calum: HI, Laura! What's up?

Me: HI, Calum! Ross is with you?

Calum: - nope, he isn't. Is it a problem with Ross?

Me: - He went outside last night and he was drank. Nothing more, I just just worried about him.

Calum: Laura, if Ross is your husband it doesn't mean you have to be so severe with him and to tell him what to do!

Me: Exactly this means!

Calum: OK... Good luck finding him! Bye!

Me : Bye!

Ross's pov

I was so mad and drunk that I couldn't think clear. I got in my car and drove far away from home. I was worried about Laura, but I didn't turn back. I wanted To end my days as my son did. I know that this is stupid, but I wasn't me In that moment. So, I got down of my car and, when I saw a car, I ran into the road. It almost smashed me, but I wasn't dead. The man didn't get down of his car, but he drove back, leaving me there, in pain and with my both legs broken. I was praying for she to come, My dear Laura, whom I have scared and probably does not want to see me anymore.

End of pov

Raini ( Laura's best friend) was in the area where Ross was. She heard him yelling and she ran to see what was going on.

Raini: Ross?!

Ross: Help me, Raini!

Raini: What happened!? I need to call the ambulance!

In 10 minutes the ambulance was there. Ross needed to explain why he ran in front of the car and the doctors said that there was a chance that he couldn't perform on stage anymore.

Ross: Can you call Laura and tell her to come?

Raini: who Laura is?

Ross : My wife!

Raini : what should I tell her?

Ross: Tell her to come here how fast she can. And tell her I love her, if I don't survive until she gets here.

Raini : Your so depressing!

Ross: do it faster!

Raini called Laura, but she didn't answer. Raini called again, until Laura answered.

Laura : Hi, Raini! What's up?

Raini: Come quick to the hospital... It is a major problem here.

Laura canceled and ran as fast she could. She was running in the rain, as Ross did last night, but there was no car.

Laura's pov

I entered in the hospital and I found Raini waiting for her. She was deeply sad for Raura.

Laura: What is the major problem?

Raini: your boyfriend... Sorry, your husband is the major problem.

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