Chapter 5 Surprises & Bad news

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From the last time:

Ross: Laura, Ran Out! Ran!

Laura didn't stood thinking what to do and listened to her husband. She was save but what happend to Ross?

New :

After 20 minutes, Laura came back to see how Ross is. No sound from inside of his room. She opened de door slowly and with no sound.

Calum: Hello Laura! What a coincidence! I was the ninja.

Laura: HELLO! Who's the other ninja?

Calum: It is my grandma... Thanks again, granny!

Granny went out of the door. Calum set down, beside Ross and started to stare at him.

Ross: Calum, what are you doing?

Calum: It's not obvious? I'm staring at you. Maby this is the last time I see you.

Ross : Don't scare me with this words... You know what will happen to me in the morning.

Calum: Sorry, dude. Good Luck!

Calum got out of the room, leaving raura alone again. They lay on the bed next to each other, holding hands. Ross's heart was beating out of his chest. He felt insecure and scared, but Laura's prezents calmed him down, until he got sleepy and slept. They felt asleep together and they were happy together.

After 7 hours and 46 minutes :

Laura woke up and got dressed. She wanted to surprise Ross. So, she wrote a message on a pice of paper: "Honey, Don't panic, I'll be right back with a huge surprise for you! "

She kissed his forehead and opened the door slowly. She closed it and ran to the exit door. She saw Doctor P outside, enjoying his coffee.

Doctor P: Good Morning, Miss Lynch! Can I ask you when you are going?

Laura: Good morning! I want to surprise Ross. Do not tell him about this, pls.

Doctor P : Of course I won't.

Laura ran home and saw Stormy sleeping on the couch with Ryan next to her. She thought to leave them sleeping until she finish a delicious meal for her husband. She cooked pancakes and put in a big bowl some chocolate. She added the chocolate on the pancakes. The meal was ready! Laura went to weak Stormy and Ryan up.

Stormy: Who are you!?

Laura : Relax, it's just me, Laura.

Ryan: Good morning, mom! Where's daddy?

Laura: Get some clothes on you and come to surprise daddy! Stormy, can you wake up Ross's brothers and sister and tell them to come to the hospital?

Stormy: Corse, sweetie.

Ryan : I can't wait to see daddy's face when he'll see us!

In a few minutes, everyone was ready and on the way to the hospital. In front of the hospital, the met each other.

Laura: follow me and go slowly... Do not wake Ross up!

Ryan: You meant daddy?

Laura: Right... Do not wake daddy up! Happy?

Ryan: Yeah.

Everybody was respecting the plan. Laura opened the door slowly and everyone got in with no sound. Laura was excited.

Laura: Ryan, go and when you here 3, say in your dad's ear "wake up". You can add what you want.

Ryan went and set next to his dad.

Laura: One... Two... Three!

Ryan: Daddy! Dad! Wake up, wake up!

Wise, Ross pretended not to hear. Ryan said again, and this time, Ross rose suddenly and grabbed his waist and gently slung his back on the bed beside him.

Ross: You, little boy, have to learn a lot! Good Morning guys! Good morning, honey!

Laura: Today is the big day... Good luck, Ross! And I hope the x-rays will be good.

Ryland: Me too!

All the lynchs looked at him ( except Raura). Even Ryan looked at Ryland.

Ryan: You just messed up a Raura moment!

Ross: Kid! From where did you learn this word?

Ryan: Sorry, dad... But granny Stormy told me. She told me the whole Raura story, how you met and how you fall in love with each other. I really like the romantic storys.

Ross: Your just like me! But, if someone asks you if you know what Raura mean, do not answer and run.

Laura: don't teach him anything stupid!

All the lynchs said"aww... " at what Laura said.

Rocky : This is so romantic and funny!

Doctor P came in.

Doc: So, Ross I need to make you sleep now, so tell them what you want.

Laura: He didn't eat yet!

Doctor P : sorry... I leave you 10 minutes more.

Raura: Thanks!

Lynchs got out one by one. All wished Ross good luck. After 5 minutes, in the room remained just Raura, Ryan and Stormy.

Ross: Laurie, this pancakes were amazing! Thank you for all! Mom, can I ask you something?

Stormy: Tell me!

Ross: Will you miss me? Will you take care of my son? Laurie needs to stay here... I need her by my side.

Stormy: Of course I will!

Stormy left. There were just Raura and Ryan. He was looking sadly at his dad.

Ross: What's wrong, sweet heart?

Ryan: I'll miss you so much!

They ate the pancakes fast. Ross didn't want to say goodbye to his wife and kid.

Ross: Honey, your pancakes were delicious, but you are more delicious than this pancakes

Laura: Thanks, Ross.

Ryan looked at his parents. He didn't understand what his dad meant. So he understood that he meant very good.

Doctor P came into the room and looked at the lynchs.

Ross: I quess I need to go, I have to go now.

Doctor P : Yes, you have. Tell them goodbye.

Raura: Goodbye!

Ross: Don' t do anything stupid. Don't stress yourself and don't worry about me. Ok? If you need to talk, call Calum or other lynch. Love ya!

Laura: Don't worry about me! Love you too. Good luck!

Ryan: Good luck, daddy! I love you!

Ross: Thanks, Ryan! I love you too, little boy! Take care of mommy. I don't believe that she will not stress herself for me.

Ryan: Good. Understood!

Ross: I quess this is good bye. Ross got out with the doctor.

After 3 hours :

Doctor P got Ross back. He was sleeping. Ryan and Laura were there, waiting for Ross to wake up. Doctor P was very sad. He looked in Laura 's eyes and she understood.

Laura: It is bad... Tell me, pls!

Doctor P : Yes. I' m afraid that we can't repair his leg. The technology we need to do such a process is to expensive.

Ryan: So daddy isn't ok?

Doctor P : Sorry, kid.

Doctor P got out. Laura set crying on the bed, next to Ross's body. She was so scared to lose him. She was save just when he was with her. But, if he did not make it, she'll be alone and lost in the dark.

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