Missed chance!

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After a long day at school and work, she headed home. A slave of her routines, from school to work to her home.

As she was walking heading her home listening to her favorite music, she heard someone's hissing.

She stopped because she thought someone's calling her. When she moved her head from left and right, front to her back she saw none.

At that very moment, she was frigtened but she didn't mind the hiss. She kept on walking as she reached her home. The same routine she always did. School to work to home.

When Friday came. Tiana is so excited because she will attend a prestige party tonight!

It's her first time to wear a gown and her first tome to go to a prestige party.

"This is it! I can't calm myself." Tiana said to herself.

Suddenly, her phone rang. And it was Charlotte calling her.

"Yes, hello Charlotte?" Tiana answered.

"Are you ready for tonight, bestie?" Charlotte said happily.

"Yeah? I think so? To be honest, super!" Tiana answered.

"That's good to hear from you bestie! See you then. Anyways, your gown is already here. I think you should come here for the preparation." said Charlotte.

"Okay bestie. An hour from now, I'll be there. I will just finish this." Tiana replied.

And Charlotte hang it up. Tiana finished all of the works she needs to finish.

Afterwards, she headed to Charlotte's mansion. All of the people were busy preparing for the event. Somehow, Tiana really dreamed on how to be in this kind of party knowing that she is one of the guest.

She went directly to Charlotte's room. There she greeted and thanked her best friend for letting her experience such things.

*Tiana knocks the door*

*Charlotte opened up the door*

"Hi bestie!" Tiana greeted.

"Hello bestie, come in! You should prepare yourself already." said Charlotte.

"Uhm, yeah. Thank you!" Tiana hugged her best friend.

"Awwe, it's fine. Your welcome Tiana. I hope you'll enjoy the party tonight." Charlotte hugged her back.

Both of them prepared themselves for the party. A few hours later, the party will start.

"Are you ready?" Charlotte smiled while talking to Tiana.

"Yes!" Tiana smiled back.

"Here we go! Hahaha" said Charlotte.

The party has begun and there's a lot of known people in the industry was there. The father of Charlotte, Mr. Ron Weasley made a speech for thankinh everyone who has come for tonight's party.

"Good evening everyone! Welcome to our thanksgiving party. We thank you all for giving all your loyalty and for always supporting any event that we had done. I hope that all of you are enjoying! God bless us all!" the small speech of the Mr. Ron Weasley.

While everyone was enjoying the party, Tiana found her comfort zone at the Balcony.

As she was staying there she decides to stargaze since it's a starry night.

When she was staring up the sky, full of stars, she found her favorite big star and then she wished.

"It's good to see you again, big star!" Tiana exclaimed.

"You already what I always wish, right? To have our own restaurant. A restaurant for my family. But I know, I need to work hard for it in order to make it happen." Tiana added.

"Hey!" someone's calling her.

Tiana was still watching the starry sky.

"Psst, hey!" someone's still trying to call her.

At that very moment, Tiana heard it. But she's wondering no one's with him. She thought it's a ghost so she runned off the balcony and went to the party.

"Gosh, that scares me. I thought I'm going to die tonight." Tiana is breathing so fast.

"Wine ma'am?" said the waiter.

"Uhm, thank you!" She grab one even if she doesn't drink but because of that rush, she drink the wine.

Few hours later, the party is over. She went to Charlotte and his father Mr. Ron Weasley to bid a goodbye and thank them for inviting her to their thanks giving party, sort of.

Mevy meets Tiana (A Frog Prince Concept)Where stories live. Discover now