Chapter 19

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Y/n pov

Today I woke up with excitement today was finally my birthday finally im no longer 17 but a young adult finally people wont think its weird im dating del anymore.I felt dels warm body against mine "god he is so cute" I say to myself as i get out of bed slowly but quietly so i dont wake him up I picked out a really cute outfit then went to the bathroom and cracked the door a bit I let my (h/l)(h/c) out of its messy bun to flow down my back so it can breathe I started my hot shower and looked in the mirror a bit I feel so beautiful so confident I feel my old scars how painful memories are being replaced with the most awesome people on earth i snapped out of daydreaming I jumped in the shower the hot water water feels great on my skin in deep thought I didnt hear del come in I jumped a little when I felt his arms wrap around my naked body "Hey beautiful" he says in his sexy morning voice as he began to kiss down my neck "Hey del you scared me" I say with a moan mixed with a quiver he then began to to feel my body with one hand playing with my breast and the other moving down to my womanhood I began to moan maybe this was apart of my gift.


After my very interesting and intense shower me and del gets dressed and head downstairs and were greeted by Sammy "Hey love birds I see your mornings going well" I blushed a bit "sorry" she rolled her eyes and chuckled and continued to eating her lucky charms and watching T.V Lucky charms is her favorite kind of cereal she throws the biggest tantrum in the world "you guys better hurry up before were late".I finished putting food and water in their dog bowls, grabbed an apple and my bag then we all head out to the car and head to school "why didn't Evan stay last night" I asked we had a gamer party last night and del live streamed it was fun "he said he had a family emergency or something his mom had another mental breakdown you know from the divorce I feel do bad she doesn't deserve any of this" she finished as I texted Evan to suggest we should have a small get together for his mom "oh yeah I forgot about that well I just texted about helping his mom" she flashed a smile then went on her phone we continued to school I turned on the radio and Carry On My Wayward Son was on so I turned up the radio Sammy put her earphones in and del chuckled at me "Really" he says as he quickly turns to look at me "what? its a classic" (SPN minutes later we pulled into the schools parking lot I turned down the radio and began "before we all go our separate ways is there anything you guys wanna tell me" they both stared at me blankly like I was crazy "Oh yeah we have a super hard math test and a pop quiz in history oh also I need your notes i forgot to tell you that" Sammy finished and my smile started to fade I looked over to Del "what about you babe" he looked up to think for a bit "oh right how can I forget" my face starts to light up again "HE REMEMBERED" I say internally screaming "I cant take you home today but Evan he would" my heart shattered Sammy and del forgot my birthday,the most important people in my life don't remember my birthday I just said ok and and hurried out the car slamming the door behind me walking really fast to the bathroom while trying to hold back my tears rushing through anyone who was in my way I locked myself in the big bathroom stall and cried.

Jon pov

I feel bad seeing y/n upset like that I know its her birthday everyone knows we all decided to throw her a Supernatural surprise party I know she would love it thinking of how said and mad she must be broke me and it hurt Samantha but I think she'll be ok hopefully she forgives me I get out of the car and me and Sammy start to walk to the guys Sammy saw Evan she yelled his name while running Evan turned around and saw her running and she jumped on him making him fall "Hey you missed me that much" he says as he begins to pick himself up and a bright smile "yea I haven't seen you since Saturday" "Babygirl that was a day ago" he cups her face I couldn't help but smile they're so in love with each other I went into a deep thought about y/n I guess they ask me a question and I didn't answer "Hello Earth to Jonathan" Evan says waving his hand in front of my face I snapped out of it "huh yea " I say with a bit of confusion "you okay" the concern in his voice is so visible "yea just worried about y/n" "Im sure everything will be ok she'll understand once she sees the party" "yea I hope so".The bell rung we all went our separate ways "great way to start the first class of the day" I thought to myself


I decided to go off campus to get me and y/n Chick-fil-A as a apology gift of some sort also I have to go pick up a very special ring I got for her its custom made with her birthstone I can't wait till graduation this is going to be great as I'm driving down the streets of Toronto thinking about the most beautiful girl ever I never thought I would fall so hard for someone I used to be all about the Bros you know going to college being in the Frat houses having major parties but now I just want y/n her and me having family,getting married,and all great things later in life I just want her I pulled up to school just in time and went to the cherry blossom tree where me,y/n,Sammy,and Evan sit every Monday I saw Sammy look really concerned I walked over towards her "what's wrong and where's y/n" "I don't know I'm really scared none of her teachers have seen her all day" my heart sank "did you check everywhere no I thought she would be with you again" I thought about it I know where she might be "I'll be back" I set food and ran through the school to get to the girls bathroom I didn't care if anyone saw me running in I heard her crying in the big stall I knocked she sniffled "occupied" "y/n it's me" it took her a minute but she open the door she had her head hanging down still sobbing before she said anything I hugged her and held her tightly she hugs me back I kissed her head and Whisper "happy birthday baby girl" I let lose of her a bit as she looks up at me with tears "who told you" she says in a quiet soft tone "baby I've always known" I cupped her face with one hand so she looks up at me she push my hand away and looks at me angry "why didn't you say anything" she raised her voice a it "I thought you forgot I thought you didn't care anymore" she said pushing while tears streaming down her face "I thought you didn't love me" she pushed me one last time softly and starts to cry again I pulled her and kissed her not like a morning kiss or passionate kiss this kiss was just like it was our first from that night This Kiss was filled with passion and love I held onto her like it was my last time seeing her we backed away from each other and I grab her hand and he intertwined our fingers "I love you y/n so much that it hurts don't ever think I don't cuz I always will" I hug her again she and wiped her tears away and I kissed her one last time I love you baby girl" "I love you too" we walked out the bathroom hand-in-hand class had started but it was only our elective so we decided to leave to get food we'll be back before our next class together we left I texted Sammy and told her that she can have our food then we left

We came back from Chick-fil-a and y/n was smiling again she was super excited because i had bought her white roses and a tiara cause why not,we were walking to class hand and hand I gave her a kiss and then dropped her off to class and I made my way to the locker room for practice I do what I normally do change and go start with warm ups of course we share our courts with the cheerleaders just for now while its basketball season,while we practice one of the girls were staring at me she kept messing up they're routine since she wouldnt stop staring at me it was making me feel really uncomfortable i stopped minding her and payed attention to practice.


With practice over and school being out I go back to my house take a shower then leave to the place where throwing y/n's Supernatural: Join the Hunt party we all have to dress up since y/n's favorite character is Sam I'll be him and she'll be my demon (like meg and Sam is the vessel for Lucifer so yea)and Evan said he'll be Dean and Sammy will be his angel (like Castiel not a fan of that ship but each is to own also cause dean is the vessel for Michael so yeet) I told my mom goodbye and left to go help decorate with the others man i cant wait for her to see this.

Sooooooo its been awhile the reason why I lost interest in the book and wattpad in general but im back and read new ideas are STORMING I have a few projects I wanna release especially the Spn fandom im just super excited 😆😆😆😆😆😆

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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