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Percy and Annabeth clung to each other as they went through the portal what would await them there back at home? After a few moments they landed on soft grass and looked around, where they Home? really and truly home for good, Percy helped Nico and Thalia to their feet and the four looked at where they were, they overlooked the camp but something was not right, there were others that there presents was not familiar to any of them "that must be Harry and the others that came with him!" Nico said in a harsh whisper distain in his voice. Percy nodded and took out his wand and pointed it to the sky, the others followed his lead "Lumos" there wands lite up on the ends and he held it up so that maybe Harry could see it, Harry sow the light and looked at Hermine who shook her head "No Harry you know what will happen to us if we do" Harry looked at her "it is Percy and the others, we have to do it there is no other way that they will not see us as the enemy" Hermine nodded and they all took out there wands that they had kept with them the entire time that they were at camp and said "Lumos" there wands lite up and the others so that as well "Percy what does that mean, they are on our territory and have nowhere to go?" The son of the sea God Poseidon looked off into the distance "we have to get them away from here, and the only way that I can see that happening is that we fight them" Annabeth looked at her Boyfriend and gasped as she looked across the valley that they called home, the boy, Harry Potter and the other's with him who had taken their places where coming toward them, Percy crouched into a fighting stance, Nico looked at them and waved his hands, Darkness engulfed the four friends so that Harry and the others could not see them. "Percy, get out of here, we can hold them off...they are not on their home turf" Percy looked at Annabeth and sow the sadness reflected in his own eyes in hers and he regretted the choice that he was about to make but they needed to do it "Nico, clear the sky, Thalia take Annabeth back to her cabin... I want to talk to Harry alone" Annabeth came to him and hugged him "Kill them they have no business here..." he hugged her back full of regret "I am not about to let them kill you or anyone, I just want to talk to them." she looked at him tears in her eyes "I love you Perseus Jackson with all of my will forever be mine" he nodded and watched as she walked away trying to keep the tears out of his own eyes, Percy looked at Nico sighed and nodded at him "let up the darkness son of Hades" Nico and Thalia looked at him and stood speech-less "Do it Nico, "he said a little too harsh and then a little softer he said bowing his head "I will be fine" when they had both gone off a little distance Percy so that Harry and his friends looked at Nico with terror but he ignored that and went to asking questions "who are you, and what business do you have in OUR Camp?" he asked Harry came up to him and glared at him drawing his sword and keeping it trained at him "are you Percy Jackson son of the sea God Poseidon?" Percy nodded and took a step back drawing his own sword and said in a voice that sounded like steel "and you are...?" Percy said waiting for him to answer, he said in a voice that only he could hear "I am Harry Potter, Gryphondore student at Hogwarts and the son of Hermes, so is Ron..." Percy watched as a boy with red hair came and stood next to Harry when his name was said and glared at Percy fiercely, Percy looked at the girl that stood a few feet away from Harry watching Percy like Hades does the dead that tried to escape and he shuttered inwardly "you?" he asked not looking at her, but Harry answered for her "Hermine Granger, Gryphandore and...Um... ...Daughter... of ...Athena..." Percy looked at her and then glanced at the cabin that Annabeth went into, so she was a daughter of Athena, same as Annabeth, they were siblings? That was so weird, what did that prophesies that would happen to Camp? Was there going to be a battle of something? Harry looked at Percy and then at Nico in their school robes what did that mean? It was just like him and Draco Malfoy what was up was he here. Percy and Harry turned away from each other and would not talk to each other again, Hermine went to Annabeth and hugged "I am glad that you are back here because we need your help to get home" "can't you get home the way that you got here?" Annabeth looked at Percy who was watching Harry without turning his head " I do not think that Harry and Percy like each other" she told Ron as she went to him to ask him a question, "Ron, will you come with me and Harry to take Blackjack back to his stall?, Percy is not able to because he is meeting with Chiron" Harry looked at Hermine and watched her and Annabeth talking about what they had done, and then he looked at Percy and said "I challenge you to a duel at sunset in the arena, once with magic and the other with the strength of our swords," Percy looked at him "deal" was all that he said and walked away at least they were friends, Harry and Percy would never be friends and that was that, or would they? One never knew about them, what if they did, that would change everything that happened,

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