Chapter One: Victoria Elizabeth

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**DISCLAIMER: This story features historical as well as fictional characters. It also twists history a little bit but I'm not trying to start any conspiracy, It's just a little bit of fun so please don't attack me thx :)**

Every neighbourhood has a house that everyone stays away from, the house that's so different from all of the others in the in the area that local children make up ghost stories of how it got there, and what goes down. Edgy teenagers try to break in and explore the place, but no matter how confident or cool they thought they were, they always came running home, scarred by the traumatic sights they saw and horrifying sounds they heard. In the city of London, circa 1838, one of these houses stood directly next to King's Bench Walk.

There stood a big, black, mansion with dead, overgrown plants that filled the garden. Giant windows with pointed arches and gargoyles on every floor. The massive, sharp, black gates were so tall you'd need twenty people just to get one person over it. Most people would turn back there, but those who kept going never even made it to the front door. The door was jet black with an eerie pattern on it made of solid gold. You'd smell the reek of dead birds rotting away into nothing, you'd hear the sound of distant screams coming from inside the mansion. You'd feel the chilly air flowing through the wind all year around, you'd see the dark, evil crows with glowing, red eyes staring at you from the roof. You could taste the dust and dirt flying through the air, although no one knew where came from. Sometimes you'd even see a little black cat, staring from the balcony, or the silhouette of a woman shoving a knife down the throat of another victim. No one knew who lived there, but this was the home of a furious, lonely woman, dangerously thirsty for power and riches.

This was the woman known to little children all around London as the 'Untold Witch'. Her real name however, was Victoria Elizabeth. Although she was given no birth name, for she was abandoned as a baby, she called herself Victoria, after the queen of England, Queen Victoria. She got her last name, 'Elizabeth' from her favourite queen, Elizabeth I. She planned that one day she would rule England, and all those who despised and abandoned her would bow down to their new queen. She always admired how Elizabeth I was such a great queen even without a man. Victoria had no desire for a man, and she intended to rule without one.

One day, in the cold, dark winter of London, 1838, two of Victoria's servants where rushing back to her mansion, carrying piles of papers and suitcases with so many documents inside that they were poking out of the sides. As they reached the gate, they stopped to catch their breath. The local children playing on the street stopped and ran to grab a good spot behind the bushes where they could watch what was going to happen, and if they could find any of the answers to the numerous questions they had about the mansion. Suddenly, the gates opened, yet there was no one around on the inside to open them, they just opened on their own. The children looked at each other, horrified, as the men entered the gate, and shut it behind them. The men walked up to the big, dark door and knocked three times. "Your majesty? Are you home?" Victoria had strictly ordered them to refer to her as queen so she could get used to it before she really became queen. Suddenly a loud yell came from inside of the house, "when am I ever NOT home you dew-beater! Now get in here with those files before I cut your head off and feed it to my cat!" The men quickly entered the building, closing the door on such a precise angle so that the children wouldn't get a glimpse of the inside.

The men ran up the old, dark stairs to the so called 'throne room'. They kneeled before Victoria, who was sitting on a large, golden throne in front of them, dressed in a flowing, black victorian gown, with a black leather corset and lace gloves that extended past her elbows. She wore massive ruby rings, a thick lace choker and many black necklaces with crosses on them. Her long, black, wavy hair was perfectly tied back into a ponytail with a long strand hanging out on the side, and a little top hat angled to the side with two little black feathers on it. "Your majesty" one of the men started, "we confronted every doctor in town, and we only came to one conclusion as to who your mother is", "and...?" Victoria answered in a stern voice. "The only match we have is the Queen Mother. Meaning..." before the man could continue he was stopped by Victoria, "You mean to say that total church bell they call Queen Victoria is my sister?! And I am of royal blood?!" "Yes your majesty" The man replied. "Well I suppose that makes things a bit easier... " Victoria continued... "so what must I do to be welcome back in if I'm already related to them?". "Well, no one would know for sure, but I have heard recently that they're inviting the extremely rich to a palace ball... perhaps if your majesty could get an invite, your majesty might be able to talk some sense into them... But it is just an idea, your majesty." He proclaimed. "Well alright then. I shall do that." Victoria went on, "Augustus, you may leave. You've been of great service to me today. Go pick a rose from the garden and give it to your wife. A happy wife is a happy life.". "Yes your majesty." Augustus answered, he then ran off into the garden out the back. No one knew, but roses grew in a small patch in the corner of the walls, it made no sense as to how it survived, but it was the only living plant on all of the property.

The other man was left kneeling before Victoria, he had said nothing the entire time. He had become so traumatised and scarred from working for Victoria that he couldn't even speak to or around her anymore. Victoria was not pleased. He froze as soon as Augustus left the room, and looked up at Victoria with fear in his eyes, for he knew what was about to be his fate. Victoria stood up and calmly walked over to a small, dark, wooden table on the side of the room. She took off a black necklace with a key on the end of the chain, and unlocked the blood red box that was sitting on top of a silk, black cushion with golden rope along the edges. She pulled out a long, sharp dagger and walked over to him. The man was finally able to get a few words out before Victoria stopped him, "Please... Don't... Your Majesty..." He cried, "You've disappointed me, Alexander... I'm sure there will be plenty of people at your funeral...". As Victoria held the dagger in the air, Alexander prayed that Augustus would be okay, and that his family would stay well without him.

 As Victoria held the dagger in the air, Alexander prayed that Augustus would be okay, and that his family would stay well without him

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Victoria Elizabeth: The Dark Secret of Queen VictoriaWhere stories live. Discover now