Chapter 17

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At first Jimin was taken a back by the question, but recovered quick a smile formed on his lips. "OFCOURSE KOOKIE!" He screamed and hugged the younger. "I love you Jiminie." Jungkook said and gave Jimin a light peck on the head. "I love you to Kookie!" And with that they kissed, they pulled back and saw the love in each others eyes. "Thank you for making me happy Jimin." He smiled and stood up. "Lets go home."

There they were the dorm, realisation kicked in and they knew that they had to tell the other members. Jungkook opened the door for Jimin and they walked inside.

What they didn't expect was that the house was completely empty. "Hello?" The younger asked and no answer "where are they?" Jimin asked jungkook and looked at him. "Hmm I have no idea." He walked into the living room. There was a note on the table.

'Jimin and Jungkook,
we will be later were at the arcade you don't have to wait for us. If you want to eat there is food in the fridge! You can just put it into the microwave or you just call a pizzeria. Goodnight!

"Do you want pizza or fridge food?" Jungkook asked Jimin. "Pizza is good." The smaller smiled. "Okay I will call them." Jungkook grabbed his phone and dailed the number of the pizzeria. "Hello with La Pizza what do you want to order?" The man on the phone asked. "Jimin wich pizza do you want?" "Eh I don't know surprise me." A smile formed on Jungkooks face "Alright one pizza pepperoni and one pizza tuna please." "We will bring it to you!" The man on the phone hang up.

Jimin and Jungkook were sitting on the couch watching a movie as they waited for their pizza. Jungkook swinged his arm around Jimin and they cuddled together, Jimin leaned closer to the younger and kissed him on the lips. But their moment was now interrupted by the bell.

Jungkook let go of Jimin and stood up to open the door.

"Here is your pizza sir! That is than 20 Dollar please!" Jungkook handed the man his money.

"Thank you! Enjoy your pizza sir." The man smiled and walked away.

Sugar Sweet ~ Jikook/KookminWhere stories live. Discover now