Chapter 19

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It was silent for a few seconds the five boys were just staring at the couple but they didn't look shocked at all, actually the looked happy.

"I'm happy for you guys!" Jin said after a while to break the awkward silence, he looked at the boys and smiled. "Cute I ship it!" Hoseok said. "But how are we going to tell ARMYs?" Namjoon looked concerned trying to think for a solution but Genius Min Yoongi had already an idea.

"How about we tell them at a concert? Like write a song and make it like you want it so it shows your love for each other." Yoongi told the boys. "Like a love song?" Jimin asked. "Yes!" Taehyung jumped out off his seat in joy. "Who will write it?" Namjook looked at Yoongi the younger looked troubled. "I think Jungkook or Jimin." "I will do it!" Jungkook stood up. "I'm gonna make sure everyone knows how much I love Jimin!" And with that he walked away.

Days went on and Jungkook didn't want to leave his room, he was working on the song but nothing was good enough. One night Yoongi walked to Jungkook and Jimins room but Jimin couldn't sleep there as long Jungkook was working on the song, he actually slept in Yoongis and Jins room because Jungkook wanted to keep the song a surprise.

"Jungkook can I come in?" Yoongi knocked on the door patiently waiting for The taller to react. "Yes Hyung come in." Yoongi opened the door but was kinda shocked by what he saw, a messed up Jungkook, paper everywhere and drinking cans all over the place. "J-Jungkook ehm how is i-it going?" The elder asked now getting worried by the boys state. "I can't think of a good lyrics Hyung! Nothing is good enough!" Jungkook said with a frustrated tone in his voice.

Yoongi grabbed a paper from the ground and readed through it. "Yes, you know what's missing?" Yoongi asked the boy. "What?"

"It's not direct from the heart, you need to write what you really feel! You are to careful as if you will hurt someone but don't do that just write what you want to write." Yoongi said and smiled at the boy.

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