Chapter 10~ Its not easy

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Julia's POV
"Another strike! How do you guys do it?" Finn asked amazed at our skills. "I guess normal people in Baltimore aren't so bad at bowling. You should try it sometime!" Ally said to Finn. "I wish." Finn mumbled. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well it's hard being famous. I mean, everyone is watching every little move we make. Like some people are like 'did Jack just put his middle finger up!?!?!' Like yeah I did I'm 17 years old! They still think we're 13 and 14 year olds." Jack explained. "It can't be that bad!" Ally said. "Oh but it is!" Jaeden said. "Well our lives aren't easy either! We don't just ask for something and get it. We don't have a ton of friends at school, we can't sing or act amazingly, we don't have the amazing opportunities so we can prove ourselves to our parents and siblings. The kind that you guys could take for granted. When you guys get a call back for a role but still don't get the role, you don't even care because it's just one of the hundreds of people who want you in their movie. But for normal people like us it's an honor to even be able to walk into the building the audition is in. Celebrities are just so STUCK UP these days!" Emma snapped back. "Emma..." Ally tried to stop her because Emma was getting mad now. "WHAT! They just don't get it! People are out there starving and you guys don't even care because the media pays attention to a 17/18 year old boy because he put his middle finger up! Stop being so STUCK FUCKING UP!" She yelled at them. "Well other people think-" Wyatt said while getting cut off by Emma again saying "Who cares what other people think. That's your problem you care so much about what other people think that you aren't even grateful for what you have to make you look like you do!" "EMMA! Just chill!" Ally yelled at her.

Then, something happened that took everyone's minds off the situation. "Ok you get the cash register and I'll check everywhere else!" Someone whispered. "SHIT!" Ally said. "Oh no not again!" I whispered. Then, we did what we always did when these guys came in. They were robbers, dumb robbers that is. We have caught them 3 times this year! But the thing is that they are very strategic but we learned their plan so we devised one. "Go!" Ally whispered and we were off with the plan.

Word count- 446

A/N- so this sucks but it's a filler chapter but hope you like! ❤️

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