Chapter 22~ Yes! Oh?

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Julia's POV
Dang Emma is a FAST DRIVER like JESUS! Anyways we got there and saw that Wyatt was in a tree, Scott was out side bleeding... and crying while laying on the good of his car... OKAY anyways... Jaeden was on his phone calling someone. A few minutes after we showed up Jack and Finn arrived together.

Immediately Jack pulled Ally over to the side. What is he saying? What? Jealous! I'm not jealous... ok maybe a little bit. Ok a lot a bit. We bonded SO MUCH and learned so much about each other at 5 Below and he bought everything and that made me really happy. Wait is Ally stealing him away from me... no she wouldn't do that... or would she?

Jacks POV
We pulled up and right as the car stopped I got out went right to Ally. "Hey so I need to talk to you about something..." I said. "Ok go." She replied. "I really want to ask Julia to be my girlfriend but I don't know how, and I want to do it tonight. Will you help me?" I said. "Ok well first of all I have to approve you for her and so does Emma so I'll get Emma over here and you can tell us why you want to date Julia." She said and I gathered up all my thoughts of why I want to date Julia.

"Ok we're ready, go." Ally said when she pulled Emma over. "Ok well I want to date Julia because she is so funny... she has the best personality and to me she is just my sunshine on a rainy day. She makes me laugh all the time and she is the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. I don't even remember how my life was like with out her in it. I've always wanted to be normal, in a normal house, with a normal family, with a normal life. But I'm not normal and the only time I feel normal is when I'm around Julia. It's like our hearts move in sync because we think the same thing and I can tell we feel the same thing too. She makes me feel like no one else is there and that all the haters disappeared. She is just amazing and she really is... just, perfect." I said zoning out a little bit because my heart took over and started speaking. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Ally and Emma said in sink. "SHHH!" I hushed them.

"You have my permission to date Julia." Emma said and Ally followed with a "same." We made the plan and were about to make it happen. "Ok let's go!" Ally said and her, Emma, and I were off. Emma went over to Julia and said "Ally's mad at you." And took her over to Ally where she pretended to be mad at Julia. "I can't believe you!" Ally said... wow she is a really good actress so is Emma. "What did I do?" Julia asked worried. Ally looked down and that was my cue.

I walked over and...

Pipers POV
Where is Zach???? Ugh! There he is! I saw him walk into the party. "Hey Zach!" I said. "Hey... Piper." He said. "Wanna come over to my place?" I asked. "Umm no." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because just no Piper! I don't like you, get that through your head. I have never liked you and never will so give it up!" Zach yelled at me. I bursted out into tears and walked home.

Jaeden's POV
"Hey guys I just called the fire department and they said they'll be here in 5 to get Wyatt down ok? Ok!" I said to everyone and everyone cheered. It was now 8:47pm. Scott left and things were looking up.

Wyatt's POV
Wait the fire department is coming?!?!? They're going to see the rope, oh no I can't let anyone know I was going to kill myself. I can't throw it down because it would hit someone. Huh what do I do?!?

Jacks POV
I walked up to Julia and Ally and said "what's wrong?" "I can't believe her!" Ally said. "What can you not believe?" Julia asked. "That there is actually a 50% chance that you could reject Jack!" Ally said. "Wait what?" Julia asked confused. "Julia will you go out with me?" I asked. "Oh uh, of course, yes!" She said and hugged me.

Julia's POV
Oh my god! Yesssss! I am so happy. I went on my tip toes to hug him. I looked over at Ally and said to her "that was a horrible plan. And I know Ally made it up because that girl is full of horrible plans!" "You know it!" Ally said and we heard the fire truck come down the street.

(Time skip- after they get Wyatt down)

"Ok why is there a rope up here?" A fireman asked all of us. "I don't know." Jack said. The fire man was VERY intimidating and I got a little scared. I went closer to Jack and he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to his side. "Umm I know..." Wyatt said. "Well why." A fireman said. "I'd rather just tell you in private." Wyatt replied. "SAY IT NOW!" The man yelled. "Umm... I was uh tr- trying to kill myself- f." He struggled to say. "I am so sorry..." the fireman said. We all stood there in shock. Jaeden started crying and Ally went over to hug Wyatt, then Jaeden. We all joined in on a group hug... I just can't believe it... why would he want to kill himself, I will hurt the person who caused this. Wait what if I'm the person who caused this?...

Wyatt's POV
I really need to talk to Jaeden about this, he is the only person I trust at the moment...

Word Count- 1,023

A/N- this chapter was really deep but I really loved it! Lots of words lol! Thx for all the reads once again and make sure you comment and vote if you liked it. Thx! Bye! ❤️

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