Chapter 11~ the plan

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Julia's POV
We put the plan into action. The people who knew what was going on were me, Ally, Sadie, Zach, Caleb, and Emma. The boys had no idea what was happening. I ran over to the lights grabbing Wyatt's arm to take him with me. Ally went to the drinks with Jaeden. Emma went to the back of the Alleys with Finn. Sadie went to the arcade with Jack. And Zach and Caleb went out back. The plan was in motion.

Ally's POV
I went to the drinks with Jaeden and saw that Julia went to the lights with Wyatt, why not jack I thought. I told Jaeden what we had to do and we started grabbing cups and filling them up with soda waiting for our cue. While waiting I said to him "hey why is Julia with Wyatt and not Jack?" "Oh well I don't know but I know that Wyatt likes it and Jack doesn't." He whispered to me. "Wait really? Wyatt likes Julia!" I said kind of loud. "SSHHHHHH!" Jaeden scolded me. "Yes he does but no one else knows so be quiet about it ok?" He said. "Of course but who do you ship?" I said to him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Jack and Julia or Wyatt and Julia?" I explained. "Oh definitely Wyatt and Julia!" He said to me. I gave him that look like 'are you serious' "What the fuck, how? It's totally Julia and Jack! They are both short and their names both start with J." I said to him. "Nope her and Wyatt are bound to be together!" He said to me with a smug smile on his face. "Wanna bet!" I said laughing. "Sure but no money this time I'm already broke from losing to you guys in bowling." He said which made me laugh. "Ok ok no money. But we get bragging rights if we are right ok?" I asked. "Sure but don't you think it's a little rude we are betting on them?" Jaeden asked and we both said at once "nahhh!" And I giggled at that.

Jack's POV
Ugh I can't believe Julia took Wyatt with her instead of me! I am so jealous right now. I thought sitting in the back of the arcade. "Are you ready?" Sadie asked and I gave her a nod.

Finn's POV
Emma and I had a clear view of the whole place. Emma, Ally, Julia, and Sadie all had walky talkies so Emma could tell them when Zach and Caleb walked in. And now we saw them walk in the plan was a go.

Jaeden's POV
Ally and I were now on the ground crawling pretending to be in a detective movie and Ally was doing the cheesy music with it. We were laughing when we heard Ally's walky beep. "It's time!" She said and we ran back to get the drinks and climbed up on ledge that looked over the Exit.

Narrator's POV
Zach and Caleb walked in and Emma beeped everyone to tell them it was time. "Hey whatcha doing?" Caleb said to one of the men. "Robbing this place, are you going to tell on us, because if you are we'll have to kill you." The man said. "Nope just heard that this place is haunted." Zach said and the two boys walked out of the building. The smiles fell from the men's faces because as you know they are dumb and gullible. "Dude we have to get out!" One guy said. That made the other one hurry up and grab the money. Then, they went into the arcade which was on the way out.

Sadie and Jack were in the back and had the controllers to the games. Sadie plugged one of the games in and Jack started playing it. "LETS GET OUT OF HERE!" On man screamed. They ran and Julia flicked the lights in a pattern. One man fell and dropped the money because Emma and Finn set up a trip wire. "Hurry man!" The other guy yelled.

Emma and Finn slowly moved through each alley hitting one pin down in each. Each time one pin dropped that alleys light came on and Jaeden and Ally dripped the soda. They were running to the other exit when Jaeden jumped down and grabbed the bag of money. He lured them to the exit Ally was on the ledge over. When Jaeden passed the men followed and Ally dumped a ton of soda on them. While they were stalled at the exit with the soda Jaeden quickly handed the money off to Zach who ran inside. Julia gave the lights one last flicker and the men were no where to be found.

Wyatt's POV
WHAT JUST HAPPENED! I am like so confused how did they do that. We all met up in the middle of the building and decided to bowl once more then go back to Ally's house.

Word count- 829

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