Chapter 11: New Kimonia

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We traveled through the galaxy on a search for New Kimonia. Which, surprisingly was really hard to find. I must admit brother, you did well hiding this planet. I sighed as I rubbed my temples and looked over Quill's shoulder.

"Hey, it's fine we'll find him." Quill reassured me.

"Yes, I am aware of that, this is just taking longer then I thought."

He hummed in response. We coutinued to fly through the galaxy, when I saw that the stars looked as if they were over laping.


Quill stopped the ship and looked over at me.


"There." I said as I pointed to the over laping stars, and Quill smiled.

"Good eye, Kiana."

He then drove through the over laping stars and were blinded by the light. We all squinted our eyes and slowly opened them, to see a beautiful planet. It looked very high tech. Cars were flying through the air. There stood a huge castle in the middle of all of the commotin. Huge buildings and shops had many people coming out of them. Different species all together. I then saw a huge gold statue of Kino, his arms spread out as he smiled, with a stupid crown on his head. I frowned as I growled.

"Idiot." I growled.

"I see your brother is...."

"A fool."

"Uh, yeah, that." Quill said.

"Let's land the Milano, and head for the castle." Gamora said.

Quill looked for a place to land the Milano. Once he did he we all got out and looked around.

"Let's go." I said as I walked off towards the castle. While the rest followed closely behind me. We the stopped when we came upon the castle looking at the long flight of stairs.

"Well let's go." Quill said as he started walking up the stairs. We stopped and saw an saw an orange girl with firey red hair scrubbing the huge doors. I cleared my throat and she stopped and turned around and dropped her rag as he mouth hung open.

"Where is your king." I asked.


"Is he inside?"

"Your a kimonian." She said as I sighed.

She then quickly stood up and dusted herself off and bowed.

"My name is Irima. I am one of the maids in the castle."

"It is nice to meet you Irima. I am Kianamina, and these are my friends." I said as I pointed back, and they all waved awkwardly.

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