Chapter 22: Together We're Strong

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The entire palace slopes and we are all thrown foreward.

"Thrusters are out!" Yondu yelled.

Quill walks away and tries to rewire the mechanics.

"I guess I should be glad I was a skinny kid. Otherwise you would have delivered me to this maniac!" Quill said to Yondu.

"Still reckon that's the reason I kept you around, you idiot?!" Yondu asked.

"That's what you told me, you old doofus!"

"Once I figured out what happened to them other kids, I wasn't gonna just gonna hand you over."

"You said you were gonna eat me!"

"That was being funny!"

"Not to me!"

"You people have issues." Rocket said, while I smiled at their somewhat heartwarming conversation.

Quill and I looked the window to see Ego's creepy skeletal growing in front of us.

"Of course I have issues that's my fricking father!...Thrusters are back up." Quill informed us.

He then thrust the ship foreward and crashes it through Ego and through the window.

"We should be going up!" Yondu yelled.

"We can't. Ego wants to eradicate the universe as we know it. We have to kill him." Quill explained as we plummeted toward the fissure in the earth below us. But it was too small for our ship.

"Rocket!" Quill yelled.

"Got it."

Rocket blast lasers, chipping away pieces of rock, forming an open in the crack, we smash into the opening, and we barley made it through. Quill flew perfectly, twisting through the tunnels. Rocket mans the lasers, blasting pieces out if the way.

"So, we're saving the galaxy again?" Rocket asked.

"I guess." Quill answered.

"Awesome. We'll really be able to jack up our prices if we're two-time-galaxy savers."

"I seriously can't believe that is where your mind goes." Quill replied.

"It was just a random thought, man! I thought we were friends! Of course I care about the planets, and buildings, and all of the animals on the planets."

"And the people." Quill stated.


As Rocket said that Mantis let out a giggle.

"The crabby puppy is so cute he makes me want to die!" Mantis said, which caused me to let out a soft chuckle. Which caused Rocket to glare at me.

"Your suicidal thoughts sadden me, but your wish will likely come true." Drax said.

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