Last Night On Earth

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Shayne's POV

Thursday, 7:36 PM

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Our uh my- I, my car crashed through the outside lane fences on the freeway. And uhhh my bo- my - uh-my friend is unconscious and I don't know what to do" I hyperventilated through the phone.

"Is he bleeding?"

"No, he's not, I think the airbags knocked him out." The tears start flowing and my breath gets heavier by the minute.

"Okay, an ambulance is on his way. Stay clear and wait until they arrive."

I sat next to Damien and held his hand as I wait for the ambulance.

My best friend is unconscious and I feel responsible. 

It's all my fault.  

My tears blurred the flashing lights of the ambulance car and police lights against the dark night sky.

I could see the shattered glass all over the street.

It's all my fault.  

What if Damien dies? This can't be his last night on earth. 

I just got him, I can't lose him.

It's all my fault.  

The ambulance took both me and Damien at the hospital. When we I arrived, they checked me for any injuries, but they kept me and Damien apart. I was all clear except for a few scratches and friction burns. 

9:11 PM

I called some of the Smosh family for moral support. Ian and Olivia were the first to show up.

"How is he?" Ian asked as he's pacing around the fluorescent-lit hallway. Olivia sat next to me and comforted me. "I don't know, they won't let me in because he and I aren't related. They said they would let me in once they figure out what's wrong." I answer to Ian.

The nurse walked out and we all stood up. She announced, "Mr. Topp, Mr. Haas is stable now but we still don't know what's wrong with him. He still can't have visitors unless it's his family or his girlfriend."  

"I'm his boyfriend!" I yell at the nurse. "Please let me in. I'm so worried." I pleaded with the nurse. Ian and Olivia were both confused and shocked. Olivia then interrupts, "Wait, you guys are dating?" 

"Yes, we talked at the beach, before my car crashed." Obviously, I lied to all of them. I just wanna see Damien.

"Okay, Mr. Topp, you can enter. But only you're allowed," The nurse claimed. She took me to Damien's room, but he's still unconscious. I sat next to him and held his hand. I removed my jacket and put on him.

9:48 PM  

After what felt like hours of waiting, the nurse walked into the room with a clipboard of results. "He's all fine, Mr. Topp, based on our tests, he has a minor concussion, and we think the crash gave him some anxiety. Which is why he's still out. Good news though, I can let your friends in now."

"Thank you," I replied. The nurse went outside and called Ian and Olivia.

"Dames, I'm right here, I won't leave your side." I rested my head on his arm and started crying. "I love you, I just got you, please don't leave me." I sobbed. As I talked to Damien, I heard someone talk. "Hey, Shayne," tIan greeted. However, Courtney and Noah were present now. Courtney heard me say I loved Damien. 

"Hey, now, don't cry, they said he's all fine now. He just needs to rest." Courtney sympathized. "I know you love him, and he loves you back. You're here for him and that's all that matters. He knows you're here." She smiled and gave me a hug.

After several minutes, the nurse walked in again and announced that visiting hours were over. She then said that only I can stay over. 

I walked Noah, Courtney, Ian, and Olivia out to their cars. When we got to the parking lot, I announced, "Hey guys, he's not my boyfriend, by the way, I just wanted to see him and they won't let me. Nothing's going on between us." I lied again so Ian and Noah won't find out. I pulled Courtney aside and talked to her.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lead you on. I have feelings for you but I also have them for Damien too. I love him and I didn't even know he loved me too. I'm sorry." I confessed. Courtney looked at me, gave me a hug said, "I understand. I know what conflicting emotions feel like. It hurts, but I know you're happy." I smile and asked her to keep Damien and me a secret. She nodded her head and muttered, "I got you." I kissed her one last time and said, "No hard feelings though right?" She laughed and said no as she walked towards her car.

I walked back to Damien's room. I sat beside him and held his hand again. I fell asleep next to him as I waited for him to regain consciousness. 

Sunday, 1:14 AM

I woke up to the feeling of Damien waking up. "What's up hot stuff" Damien muttered. I instantly stood up and gave him a kiss. "I thought I lost you" I sobbed, into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. If I was paying attention, I wouldn't have crashed the car." 

Damien sat up and hugged me. "It's not your fault. Look, I'm okay aren't I?" I hugged him tightly and kept apologizing. 

"I love you, and it was an accident. It's no one's fault," Damien recited. I whispered a quiet "okay" and pulled away.

"Am I wearing your jacket?" Damien asked. "Yeah, I put it on you so you'd feel better." I smiled at him. I went ahead and called one of the nurses, so they can check up on Damien. After they checked up on him, we slept together in his bed, all cuddled up.

WOW, two chapters in one day??? This chapter took a turn. However, it's still good though. I wasn't expecting to write 900+ words for this one. I thought it was gonna be below 500. Anyways, that means it's better. So, vote and comment. :) Thanks for your support.

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