Title: The Aftermath
Author: gawkish_
Genre: ChickLit
It’s that moment where everything just stops mostly because I was too high to control my mouth of course, and the guy in the bunny suit stops trying to hit on me because I brought up the fact that his cousin died in the spot that those two people on the couch are playing “tongue war” on.
I guess that’s where it started, because no one brings up the dead. Like it’s some kind of disease you can catch or that it’s some kind of taboo subject all together. Adele was wrong, sometimes it lasts in love, and most times it hurts instead. But through my measly little research it’s the exact opposite. Sure when it’s fresh it hurts to talk, but when its old news, no one talks and it feels like everyone wants to forget about it but, that’s when you remember the most. That is when you need to remember the most.
How many reads?: 46
How many followers?: 33
Undiscovered Watty Awards: Summer Edition
Random** NOW COMPLETED! CHECK THE LAST CHAPTER FOR WINNERS** Here is the summer edition of the Undiscovered Watty Awards! This is a knock-off contest much like the wattys but for undiscovered stories only! That's right, here is your chance to get the read...