1. It Begins

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Thursday: T-4 hours

"You've got to be shitting me."

I watched my Russian blue cat carelessly walk across my laptop. Completely oblivious to the random keys he was pressing, he quietly purred and plopped himself down right on it.

"Oliver, are you serious! What? Are you hungry," I asked as I lifted him off. I set him on my lap and proceeded to erase the string of useless letters. I'd been sitting at my kitchen table for a few hours trying to muster somewhat of a decent application to Vita Alta. I was a recently graduated bodyguard at Taraht Academy —by day anyways. By night, I was nightclub hostess.

I had always dreamed of becoming an FBI agent or anything in the Law Enforcement field; the action was where I liked to be. Yet, I wasn't getting any. I expected life to be more than what it was now at my tender age of 24. But I was almost where I wanted to be.

Baby steps...

My phone rang as soon as I got up to feed Oliver. The number displayed wasn't one I recognized, but it could of been another opportunity to perhaps host at a small nightclub.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello, is this Zhara? Uh.. Zhara Embin," asked the person on the other line.

"This is she... who is this?"

" Ah, great! My names Melinda Beas and I'm manager at Sultry Nightclub. Is there anyway I can get you to join us tonight for an event? We've heard good things about you from our partners at your current nightclub Oxygen and our hostess called out last minute. We're in dire need of a new one."

I couldn't believe it. I mean, this wasn't some small time hosting job. This was one of the biggest nightclubs in L.A. and they somehow chose me?! I've been hosting for three years now because that was the only way I could make money without interrupting my class schedule when I was still in college.

"Absolutely, I'm available," I said.

Wow, eager much.

" Great! That's wonderful. Alright, so the event starts at 9, but we'd like for you to get here at least 30 minutes before. All you have to do is bring yourself. The attire will be provided since this is on such short notice and I don't expect you to go out now and find somethi—what?" Melinda stopped talking to me and all I could here was a muffled conversation. I watched Oliver paw at the bag of cat food I was unintentionally teasing him with as it hung from my hand.

"Sorry about that! Last minute things. Listen, I have to go, but be there at around 8:30 and I can explain more," Melinda said.

"Sounds good, thank you so much," I replied and hung up. I knelt and poured some Meow Mix into Oliver's bowl, patting his head as he ate. My application could most definetly wait until after tonight. The clock on my stove read 6:27 pm, so I cleared my kitchen table, ate some dinner, and went off to get ready.


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