24. Plan

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Marco and I had just finished eating breakfast. It wasn't as awkward as I'd expected it to be. We were pretty grown about the situation, but I still felt as though I needed to clear the air.

I needed to tell him that what we did was honestly a one time thing. It was wrong to sleep with your boss. Even though the chances of him firing you were slim, considering he seemed to enjoy it.

"Okay, so we have three houses," Marco began as we walked to his office. We were planning for our trip to Italy in a bit more than a week.  "One of the three is our main house." We got into his office and I noticed the large map already spread out on his desk. He approached it, with me following closely, and pointed at one of the intricate lines on the map.

"This road right here leads to house A. This is where our guards sleep and train. House C is where we have our finance people, our transportation people, anything related to our business. Lastly, House B," he paused, sliding his finger back down the 'route' and towards the main house.

"This is our family home. Our headquarters. Our base. Our everything." I nodded, understanding.

"So like the 'power-house' in a way," I mumbled.

"Exactly... too many important stuff in there," he said frowning. I wanted to ask him why the serious face, but he cut me off.

"So, here's what I was thinking..." I listened as he explained that, in the case that the Giuseppe family comes and  attacks the main house first, we'd need to move in all the guards from House A to the main house, B.

"What if they don't attack the main house first," I asked, the gears in my head turning. Marco looked up at me, his eyes flashing with something before abruptly looking away.

"If I was them I'd go for the glue. That would be the main house," he said. I let my bottom lip slide between my teeth.

"Well, the main house isn't really your glue." I said, peeking up at him through my lashes. He had a confused look on his face. I nudged him aside and grabbed a wood pencil from his pen holder.

"The glue would be everything that keeps House a,b and c going." I began. "All of these houses share one thing in common: money." I stopped and looked at him. He had his arms crossed and a thoughtful look on his face.

"Continue," He said.

"House C, which hosts all your finances and business operators/operations, would be the glue. If I were Giuseppe, I'd go for this. Because once I take down the people in charge of the money, the people in charge of getting your jets off the ground and you to safety... well, you're done for. And I win."

"...wow. Okay... okay. So get this then: we take out the people in house c, before the estimated attack. The people valuable to the financial aspect of our business will be safe. But, we'll have less men to jump in if need be." We stared at the map in a comfortable silence, each of us deep in our thoughts.

"Why can't we just get people from Vita Alta," I asked. His eyebrow shot up, then he opened his mouth a bit and then nodded.

"Yeah, yeah that'd work. We'd require more recruitment because we are head to head with Giuseppes men. If we have more than him, we'd be at a greater advantage. We've got that down. Time to position them." I nodded and we began making marks on the map.


I huffed as I sat on the recliner in Marco's office. Marco himself was at his desk, his head leaning back on the top of his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose. We'd been working on strategies for 6 hours now. We'd taken a few breaks to eat. I'd called my mom and talked with her a bit, whilst Marco talked to Stephan.

We came up with at least 12 different defence mechanisms and tactics, all leading to high percentages of good outcomes— so we hoped.

It felt nice to be done, and I snuggled into the seat, pressing the automatic button to recline— not fully, but just enough. I shut my eyes slowly, lost sleep from our wild night finding its way to me.

"I'm surprised you haven't brought up last night," Marco's deep voice jolted me from my dozing session. I blinked furiously, ridding myself of the sleep and then sat up. He had a hot smirk on his face as he lay in the same position I'd last seen him in, except he wasn't pinching the bridge of his nose anymore. I admired his cute smirk before answering.

"I'm surprised you haven't either." He nodded in agreement. "But since we're on the topic..." I began again.

"I need you to understand something, Marco. We can't let that happen again. I think we were both just frustrated-,"

"Extremely," He interrupted. I cocked a brow. "Extremely frustrated. Some maybe more than others," he said as he winked. The mere action caused my skin to warm up slowly.

"Some being you," I continued. "As I was saying, we let our desires get in the way and that was completely unprofessional. What we did won't repeat itself." I said, finalizing my statement with the crossing of my legs. Marco simply looked at me. Stared. Bore his eyes into me.

"What are you doing," I asked as he rose from his seat. I felt my heart pick up its pace, causing me to sense that something was about to happen; and I had to stop it.

Marco walked over to the recliner I was in and set both his hands on the arm rests, trapping me.

"The only person that can fire you is me," he said.

"I know that. But that's not the point. The point is that it's not right to sl-,"

"Sleep with your boss. Yeah, yeah." He cut me off. His eyes traveled to my lips and I subconsciously licked them. He didn't fail to follow the action as he licked his lips as well.

"What are you going to do then?" He asked. His face had gotten remarkably closer. I leaned back a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"When you get all hot, horny, and frustrated, what are you going to do," he asked. His accent tilted off the sentence as he lowered his voice. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Perché io ti conosco sicuro che non stanno per andare a scopare un altro uomo," he whispered into my ear harshly. (Translation: Cause I know you sure as hell are not about to go fuck another man)

I shivered at the feel of his breath against me and at the fluent, flowing Italian words.

"I don't know what you said," I mumbled. "But I don't like your tone." I pushed him back, getting up. He pushed me back down onto the seat, trapping me once again. We were both frowning.

"I don't like your attitude. Answer the question," he stated. What would I do? I mean... I was his guard. I don't really get much free time because my job is 24/7. He's the only man I could see without jeopardizing my job.. kind of.

I huffed and crossed my arm. I didn't need anyone. I was fine before him.

"I'm not going to do anything. I don't need sex. Especially not from you. Like I said for the nth time: this," I motioned with my finger pointing to us, "is a one time thing." I watched as his eyes darkened when I pushed him back. I got up and headed for the door, needing air and to be away from him. As I opened the door, I heard him laugh to himself.

I whipped around, already irritated by him. I looked at him, waiting for him to enlighten me with what the fuck was so funny.

"Gattina, before me you didn't need sex." He stalked towards me, stopping a few steps in front of me. "But, after me, sex is all you'll need. And not just from anybody." He gave me one last look with a stupid grin on his face and he walked out, hands deep in the pockets of his sweats.

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