8. You were saying?

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*footsteps running*

I wiped my face off with a towel and placed it in the bin. The footsteps running probably meant it was time to head to the final stage. I gave myself one more look in the mirror. I had slicked back my wild hair with water and rinsed my face off. I took a few sips from my water bottle and walked out the locker room. The clock in the hallway read 2:38 pm. I was getting physically exhausted, but I wouldn't let the tiredness take over.

When a few people and I got into the room, it was packed. We'd switched to a larger room and three walls were lined with seats for people. On the wall directly across from the entrance, and in the first row, was the Fiorentino family. Well, whom I assumed was the Fiorentino family. I remembered Natalia's face and I saw her brother Stephan. I didn't recognize the woman next to him, but she was pretty. Her light brown hair had a side part and was straightened. As I got closer to where we were to stand, I noticed Stephan's hand on her knee. She was probably his girlfriend. They looked way too young to be married.

They hadn't seen me because they were talking to an older woman. She was almost flawless, her skin tone never missing a beat. Her hands were small and fine, reminding me of my grandmothers.

Maybe that's Mrs. Fiorentino?

"SETTLE DOWN EVERYONE. Let's all have a seat," yelled a buff man. He had on a tight black shirt and cargo pants. He had heavy boots on and a buzz cut. He looked like former military. Everyone obeyed and they all sat. Most of the crowd looked like employees or bodyguards who came to watch us. Like it was a show. I spotted Rob whispering to the ex military guy and his look a-likes next to them. The door opened and in came a tall man. Probably 6'3, he had a well trimmed dark brown—and a bit of white—beard with a nice line up. His dark brown hair was brushed back and had curly wisps at the end. He had on a black suit and fancy shoes. Not far behind him was..


He was wearing a charcoal grey suit with similar dark shoes. He had both his hands in his pockets as he followed the man in front of him to a seat. They walked up to where Natalia was and the man in the black suit gave the older woman a kiss.


Marco took a seat next to Natalia after greeting her, the older woman, Stephan and the girl he was sitting next to. The man he had been following sat beside the older women.

That must be Mr. Rossi Fiorentino.

That's the whole family. Mr. Fiorentino set a cane with a lion head on it beside his chair.

"Welcome, everyone, to the third and final stage. We have the top 15 best standing before you, but we will only take ten. Each will be facing one of our long time guards," said Rob. He pointed to the big men all dressed in tight black shirts and cargo pants. They were freakin huge. At least 5 to 6 inches taller than me. I looked around for anyone that could be a bit shorter or less hulk like, but found none.

I can do this. They're not going to go easy on me just cause I'm the only girl. Or a girl period.

"Each fight will be timed. Fastest person to defeat one of these men will be 'the best' clearly." I looked up at the timer he had pointed to above the door.

There were fresh new mats in the center of the room. I could tell because the blood stains from earlier were gone. First up was Danté Slocovia. He walked up, no emotion on his face. My heart sped as I saw the man he was going to fight. He was a walking Sasquatch. His hands looked like they could hold two basketballs each. I bit my lip, weirdly nervous for Danté. But I needn't fret because as soon as the big guy got on the mat, Danté had already bulldozed him. Going in headfirst, he grabbed the man by his waist, taking him down.

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