47. Family Trip (Part 1)

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When I pulled up to the Giuseppe house I was confused by the commotion in the long driveway. There were stern and dangerous looking men leaning on parked SUVs. Each one looked at the truck I was in as I drove by. At the front doors of the home I saw my mother with her head hung low. Maïna was being held by a guard and her eyes were visibly swollen from her tears.

I parked the truck and quickly got out, running towards my mom.

"Eh eh," said Cane who had jumped in front of me to stop me. "La russa, please." I gave him a look and peered over his shoulder at my mother. He followed me to the passenger side of the car and waited for me to get her out. My hand touched the door handle and I stopped.

"Today sweetie, we don't want to be late. Airports 2 hours away," complained a frustrated Cane. I turned to face him, leaning against the truck door.

"You can't hurt her," I said. Cane let out a laugh and turned to the two other guards behind him; they started laughing too.

"I can hurt her," he finally said.

"She has nothing to do with all this. Why do you need her? I promise you she doesn't have it. There has to be another way to-," I started before Cane rudely pushed me aside. I pushed my shoulder against the door, pushing him back.

He let out a huff and held his hands up to let the guards—who'd pulled out their guns— know that it was fine. They lowered their weapons and looked on at the altercation between Cane and I.

"Zhara...," he warned.

"Please... you don't know what they'll do if they find her harmed or even dead."

Who knows what they'd do to me or my family when they found out that it was me who brought her.

"Stai scherzando! You think I give a rats ass what they'll do? Hell, don't even worry about it." (T: you've got to be kidding).

He took a close step. "The only way la russa dies is if they refuse to hand it over. No blood on my hands or yours. Her fate will be in their hands. Now get the fûck out of my way before your mother's blood is on your hands."

I obeyed and stepped aside. I watched as they dragged her limp body out. She moaned and slowly blinked her eyes open, but she quickly shut them when they drugged her.

I looked away and fought the tears. I ran up to my mother and the guards dropped her into my arms. We fell to the floor and Maïna scurried over to my moms side and held her hand while I held her head up.

"Mama," I whispered. "Mama. Come on," I said lightly shaking her. She lazily opened her eyes and grunted when she tried to sit up. She seemed to just notice I was there.

"Zhara, oh yerekha." Her arms held me in a warm hug and I caught a sob. The circular motions on my back brought on by her hand gave me so much comfort.

"Let's go home," I said. I placed a kiss on Maïna's cheek, happy that she was okay. She helped me get my mom up and we walked to the truck; my moms arm was wrapped around my neck making the process harder.

Maïna opened the passenger side door and got in. She reached out and grabbed my moms hands to pull her up. On my way to the drivers seat, I watched the SUVs roll out one after another. I got into the truck and followed them to the airport, all the while replaying the recording Cane had left in my head.

When you come to get her, please, make sure to pack your best attire. We might go on a little family trip.

I wonder where. Definitely not the US; they'd get sniffed out as soon as they hopped off the plane.

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